Saturday 31 December 2011

Goodbye to 2011, Year of the Rabbit, Welcome 2012, Year of the Dragon

Goodbye to 2011, Year of the Rabbit, Welcome 2012, Year of the Dragon


January 5

Torture is now solidly installed in America’s repressive arsenal, not in the shadows where it has always lurked, but up front and central, vigorously applauded by prominent politicians. Rituals of coercion and humiliation seep through the culture, to the extent that before Christmas American travelers began to rebel at the invasive pat-down searches, conducted by the TSA’s airport security teams, groping around bosoms and crotches.

The American liberal conscience began to make its accommodation with torture in June, 1977, which was the month the London Sunday Times published a major expose of torture of Palestinians by the Israeli armed forces and the security agency, Shin Bet. Suddenly American supporters of Israel were arguing that certain techniques — sensory deprivation, prolonged stress positions while hooded, incarceration in “cells” the size of packing crates, etc ? somehow weren’t really torture, or were morally justifiable torture under “ticking time bomb” theory.

January 13

Wednesday night’s memorial in the McHale Arena at the University of Arizona did strike me as slightly strange, like an Irish wake that had prematurely transitioned into the later boisterous phase. The offbeat tone was established from the outset by Carlos Gonzalez, an associate prof at AU who delivered us from stuffy Anglican proprieties by very properly “politicizing” the event .

Gonzalez flourished a talisman of eagle feathers and chanted a bracing traditional Indian blessing, walking the 13,000 crowd inside McKale Center (plus an overflow 13,000 at Arizona Stadium) around the four “doors” to wisdom, spirit, visions and energy and guidance, plus the male energy of the sky and the female energy of earth. He blessed the victims, their families, all Americans, his son in Afghanistan and all his relations, all creatures including snakes.

It was a bracing one-in-the eye for the Judeo-Christian tradition. The event nosedived into bad faith and tedium with an address by the shifty Gov. Jan Brewer, followed by Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, who read highly inappropriate verses from Isaiah, ch 40 and U.S. Attorney Eric Holder giving us verses from the second letter to the Corinthians written by the markedly intolerant Paul.

January 28

President Obama’s state of the union: It was all very, very familiar. America has lost its technological dominance. Solution: Kennedy’s New Frontier , when the shocking challenge of the Russian sputnik, launched into space in 1957, led to the US moon shot which in turn “unleashed an age of innovation.” America now faces another “sputnik moment.” The challenge: to “out-innovate, out-educate and outbuild the rest of the world. “

This is to be achieved by a green revolution in energy, better schools and teachers, efficient government subservient to the needs of business, less debt.

Every president calls for Americans to do better at science. Clinton made a veritable industry out of it, also out of “reinventing government”, which Obama also proposes to rehab in the form of a new onslaught on burdensome regulation, so crippling to the American entrepreneurial spirit.

The left got a vague pledge from Obama not to mess with Social Security plus a rhetorical kick at the oil companies. The right got substantive support for lowering corporate taxes plus all sorts of agreeable commitments about cutting Medicare and so forth.

Obama seemed to trying to stage a replay of his own, of the US economy in the 1950s. “We do big things.” No we don’t. We do Stupid Big Things, dating back to that last heyday of Stupid Big Thing Thinking – dam constructon in the 1930s, surging to the disaster of the Glen Canyon dam and Lake Powell in the 1950s, the same decade freeway construction – Big Concrete — destroyed city after city the same way – albeit more permanently — Big Bombing destroyed Germany and many countries thereafter.

February 11

We need good news. When was the last time we had some, here in this country? The Seattle riots against the WTO? That was back in 1999. Around the world? Hard to remember – it’s been a long dry spell. It reminds me of the old Jacobin shivering in the chill night of Bourbon restoration, and crying out, “Oh, sun of ’93, when shall I feel thy warmth again!”

We raise our glass to the Egyptian people.

The brave Egyptian demonstrators did it. Conscripts ready to muntiny if ordered to fire on the crowds did it. Immensely courageous Egyptian union organizers active for years did it. Look at the numbers of striking workers enumerated by Esam al-Amin on this site today. This was close to a general strike. It reminds me of France, its economy paralysed in the uprising in the spring of 1968. That was when President de Gaulle, displaying a good deal more energy and sang-froid that Mubarak, flew to meetings with senor French military commanders to get pledges of loyalty and received requisite assurance.

And next for Egypt? These chapters are unwritten, but the world is bracingly different this week than what it was a month ago. Rulers and tyrants everywhere know that. They know bad news when they see it, same way we know good news when we hear its welcome knock on the door of history.

February 14

The Reagan cult celebrates the centenary of their idol’s birth this month, and the airwaves have been tumid with homage to the 38th president, who held office for two terms – 1981-1988 – and who died in 2004. The script of these recurring homages is unchanging: with his straightforward, sunny disposition and aw-shucks can-do style the manly Reagan gave America back its confidence. In less flattering terms he and his pr crew catered expertly to the demands of the American national fantasy: that homely common sense could return America to the vigor of its youth and the economy of the 1950s.

When he took over the Oval Office at the age of 66 whatever powers of concentration he might have once had were failing. The Joint Chiefs of Staff mounted their traditional show-and-tell briefings for him, replete with simple charts and a senior general explicating them in simple terms. Reagan found these briefings way too complicated and dozed off.

The Joint Chiefs then set up a secret unit, staffed by cartoonists. The balance of forces were set forth in easily accessible caricature, with Soviet missiles the size of upended Zeppelins, pulsing on their launchpads, with the miniscule US ICBMs shrivelled in their bunkers. Little cartoon bubbles would contain the points the joint chiefs wanted to hammer into Reagan’s brain, most of them to the effect that “we need more money”. The president really enjoyed the shows and sometimes even asked for repeats.

February 16

Today, there’s a flourishing little internet industry claiming that the overthrow of Mubarak came courtesy of US Twitter-Facebook Command, overseen by Head of the Joint Chiefs of Twitter, in the unappetizing, self-promoting form of Jared Cohen, with flanking support by the National Endowment for Democracy and Freedom House.

The New York Times runs endless articles about the role of Twitter and Facebook but now either ignores or reviles Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

In any discussion of the role or the internet in fuelling the upsurges across the Middle East, Wikileaks should be central. Tunisians were able to read the unsparing assessment of the kleptocratic regime oppressing them, courtesy of US Ambassador Gordon Gray’s cables, secured by Wikileaks. Egyptians were able to read hitherto secret details of the role of Omar Suleiman in renditions, of Egypt’s abject services for the US and Israel.

The New York Times, to whom Assange made available some of his Wikileaks, repaid him (as did The Guardian ) with a vulgar onslaught by the Times’ editor, Bill Keller, essentially endorsing patently factitious accusations concerning the supposed nature of Assange’s sexual relations with two Swedish women, and also trumpeting the high minded concern of the New York Times with protecting the lives of US personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan.

March 4

The Army filed 22 new charges against PFC Bradley Manning, suspected of passing classified information to the WikiLeaks website. The charges include “aiding the enemy,” – a capital offense. These charges coincided with Gen. Petraeus apologizing, also on March 2, to Afghanistan’s puppet leader Karzai for the deaths, via machine-gun from Apache attack helicopters, of 9 children, killed as they gathered firewood in a mountainous area of eastern Afghanistan. A 10th child was injured. The general said he was really, really sorry, and that it seemed that “regrettably, there appears to have been an error in the handoff between identifying the location of the insurgents and the attack helicopters that carried out subsequent operations.”

Among the material that Manning is accused of handing on to Wikileaks is footage of Apache helicopter assaults in Baghdad. The worldwide web was transfixed on April 5, 2010, when Wikileaks put up on YouTube a 38-minute video, a 17-minute edited version, taken from a U.S. Army Apache helicopter, one of two firing on a group of Iraqis in Baghdad at a street corner in July of 2007. Twelve civilians died, including a Reuters photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen, 22, and a Reuters driver, Saeed Chmagh, 40.

Two lethal helicopter assaults, two different outcomes for those divulging them. Petraeus gets a pat on the back for his swift effort at damage control; Manning gets charges that carry the death penalty.

March 12

A giant has gone from us — a giant of sententiousness, an endlessly cresting tsunami of tedium, I must hasten to add. I speak of David Broder, for many years chief political correspondent of the Washington Post, who passed this week amid much respectful invocation of his mastery of the American political process.

Broder hated any form of disruption to what he admired in American political arrangements, viz two orthodox political large parties agreeing on all essentials, bartering amiably through the medium of the various chieftains with whom Broder palavered on a daily basis. He detested all forms of disruptive change, any threat to received wisdom, any excessive zeal in the pursuit of any cause. The possibility that the American political system might long ago have evolved into irredeemable corruption and criminality never crossed his mind. Through the filter of his reports the American Melodrama was recast into endless reassurance that everything was, in the last analysis, on the right track. Rarely has someone got history so consistently wrong.

March 18

Americans read the increasingly panic-stricken reports of deepening catastrophe at Fukushima Daichi, speed to the pharmacy to look for iodine and ask, “It’s happened there; can it happen here?” They already know it can, and almost certainly will.

The late great environmentalist David Brower, used to tell audiences solemnly, “ Nuclear plants are incredibly complex technological devices for locating earthquake faults.”

President Obama took plenty of money from the nuclear industry for his presidential campaign and in his State of the Union address last January reaffirmed his commitment to “clean, safe” nuclear power, as insane a statement as pledging commitment to a nice clean form of syphilis. This week Obama’s press spokesman confirmed that nuclear energy “remains a part of the President’s overall energy plan.” As Will Parrish reports in a terrific piece in our latest newsletter, Obama was flacking for boosted plutonium production even as Fukushima Daichi went into meltdown.

The United States produces more nuclear energy than any other nations. It has 104 nuclear plants, many of them old, many prone to endless leaks and kindred malfunctions, all of them dangerous.

Perhaps the news that Japanese nuclear reactors have been damaged and that clouds of official deception are already rising above them will cool the revival of enthusiasm for building new nuclear plants here in the US, spearheaded politically by President Obama and okayed by major green groups using the cover of alleged anthropogenic global warming, as long ago planned by the nuclear industry.

April 6

Peering briefly at the royal nuptials in a house high up in the mountains above Malibu, I was surprised to see how spectacularly tacky the British upper classes have become. They looked very vulgar. The appalling cuteness of the Aston Martin supplied the coup de grace. The groom didn’t know how to stand up properly. Contrary to effusive comparisons, the bride’s much touted dress from the atelier of the wildly overpraised late Alexander McQueen, was a far cry from Grace Kelly’s, designed by Helen Rose, who had dressed her in High Society and The Swan. The bride’s headdress hung like a dishrag. The only vestments born with confidence and aplomb were those of the churchmen. The Archbishop of Canterbury, with his emphatic beard and specs, had a splendid cope. His voice was confident. I’d like to see him in debate with one of Teheran’s ayatollahs. But the Anglo actresses watching the event on our mountain were ecstatic. My daughter Daisy, returning to London two days later, reported that the young women she was encountering were all swept away by the event and eager for marriage.

April 9

Fox News says Glenn Beck’s daily program will “transition” off the network show some time before the end of this year. Beck cosigned the statement and confirmed this on his show on Wednesday, April 6, speaking vaguely of sustaining the two-year relationship with Fox by “developing things”. He sounded shell-shocked, like a man who’d been shown the door.

I’ve always had a soft spot for Beck, partly because of his deep roots in the mulch of American nutdom, fertilized by the powerful psychic idiom of rebirth and redemption.

“Progressives”, today’s milquetoast substitute for old-line radicals, have trembled at his ravings about the left’s conspiracies against freedom. Personally, I found them heartening. Respect at last! Who but Beck could turn a conservative African-American Harvard grad, an errand boy for corporate America, into a latterday re-creation of W.E. B. DuBois and Malcolm X, now installed in the White House.

A fairly typical reaction from the pwog sector was that of Michael Keegan, President of People For the American Way, who swiftly proclaimed that “It’s encouraging to know that it is no longer economically viable for a major television network to support the demagogic rantings of its most unhinged conspiracy theorist.”

But from Keegan’s point of view, aren’t demagogic and unhinged rantings exactly what he and his liberal fellows should want from Fox? Isn’t it good to have a clownish ideologue bringing the Republican Party into disrepute?

Would you rather sit in a traffic jam listening to Robert Segal than Glenn Beck? Why no threatened advertising boycott from PAW against Rachel Maddow, hot for US intervention in Libya: ““President Obama announced his own military intervention, but he pointedly declined the opportunity to do it in a way that US presidents usually do.” According to Maddow, Obama has foresworn “the chest-thumping commander-in-chief theater that goes with military intervention of any kind,” and “that in itself is a fascinating and rather blunt demonstration of just how much this presidency is not like that of George W. Bush.”

Give me Beck any day.

April 22

For a nation that that loves anniversaries, the 150th anniversary of the outbreak of the American civil war – April 12, 1861 – crept by on tiptoe, like a burglar slipping through a darkened house. The reason for this eerie semi-silence is not hard to find. The Civil War is contested political terrain, particularly in the racist backwash after the 1960s and the civil rights movement which naturally looked back on the Civil War as one in which tens of thousands of Americans gave their lives for the principle that all are born free and slavery a shameful blot on any society.

These days we live in the shadow of Nixon’s southern strategy, which became Reagan’s southern strategy and is now standard issue campaign politics for the Republican Party: Play the racist card, throw money at think tanks to churn out papers churning out onslaughts on quotas, deride all attempts to level the racial playing field. Speak “frankly” about the supposed pathologies of the black family.

Meanwhile, up north, the forthright honoring of a war waged for honorable principles has faded amid revisionist histories of what the war was really about,. Add to this a general wan feeling that the fruits for a terrible conflict were the appalling racism of the Reconstruction Period after the Civil War, when the Ku Klux Klan began to burn and lynch, and the migration of southern slaves and their descendants from the Deep South to the slums of Chicago and other northern cities. Ahead lay decades of poverty and oppression that prompted the riots of the 1960s.

So the Civil War is a dangerous football to start kicking around on network tv, bad for the advertising business, except for the deadened hand of Ken Burns. The arrival of a black man to the White House has naturally intensified these divisions.

April 28

Americans were offered closure Wednesday to one of among the multifarious strands of our national dementias. It took the drab guise of the “long-form” birth certificate, signed and filed in Hawaii on August 8, 1961, indicating that the president is a legitimate occupant of the Oval Office. But will the White House’s release of the certificate finish off the “birther” movement? Certainly not. We’re dealing here with cognitive dissonance.

Harold Camping, president of Family Stations Ministry, has been preaching for some time now to a vast and devoted national audience that God’s plan is to inaugurate the Second Coming and end the world by flooding on May 21, 2011 (thus achieving a Judeo-Christian planetary closure before the prime current pagan rival, the end of the Mayan calendar, scheduled for December 21, 2012.)

It’s a safe bet that Camping and his disciples will be saying on May 22 that his math was merely a year or two off, and the end is still nigh. His congregation will have its faith fortified. Membership will probably increase, as it did after the failure of Camping’s last prediction of the Second Coming, which he scheduled for September 6, 1994.

Sociologists call the phenomenon of increased commitment to a batty theory, at the very hour of its destruction by external evidence, “cognitive dissonance.”

May 13

Pinko terror-symps and the “rule of law” gang may cavil and whine at the lack of legal propriety in the execution of Osama , but it’s not cutting much ice with liberal America. For long years what might be called the “progressive” segment of American voters have chafed at Republican gibes that their guy Obama is a wimp, all the more irritably because deep down many of them thought the charge had some merit.

It’s wondrous what two expanding bullets to the head of an unarmed man will do. The chorus of approval for the SEALs covers the liberal spectrum. The Nation’s Jeremy Scahill exulted , as did Gary Wills on the New York Review of Books site , with an ecstatic paean, “The President’s Crack Team”, concluding, “we should keep in mind what superb things can be done by our Navy Seals. And we should keep somewhere in the back of our minds a remembrance that the one ultimately pulling the trigger in both Seal actions was the President of the United States.”

May 18

What began in Britain in 2005 as “a third-rate burglary” of voicemails, supposedly limited to a criminal invasion of privacy by a News of the World reporter and a private investigator, has flowered beautifully into a Level 7 scandal that threatens the careers of two of Rupert Murdoch’s top executives, not to mention the heir apparent to the News Corp. empire, James Murdoch. It even laps at the ankles of the 80-year-old magnate, threatening the final financial triumph that was scheduled to usher him into Valhalla.

May 20

The French are for the millionaire. The Americans are for the maid. Among the French, three out of five think the IMF’s former managing director, Dominique Strauss Kahn, has been framed. (Strauss-Kahn tendered his resignation as head of the IMF May 18.) Here in the USA there’s not been a reliable poll, but public sentiment is clearly against Strauss-Kahn, amplified by self-congratulation that America is a nation of laws, a maid’s word as potent as that of a millionaire, in contrast to the moral decay and deference to the rich prevalent in France.

The French, for their part, stigmatize America as a puritanical, omnipotent imperial police state, whose intelligence agencies are efficiently capable of any infamy. But even as they charge that Strauss-Kahn was set up, the French press is rather weak on identifying or even suggesting the precise mastermind or group working to destroy a man who might have been the French Socialist Party’s candidate, evicting Sarkozy from the Elysee Palace.

May 25

At home and abroad President Barack Obama trumpets Uncle Sam’s virtues and dispenses patronizing homilies to other nations on how to behave themselves and honor freedom and democracy. This last week it’s been Europe’s turn to hear these self-righteous preachments.

Wearisome though these exhibitions of US’s double standards abroad may be, they pale before the macabre spectacle of Obama and Clinton extolling the moral credentials of a country with a vast gulag of some 2.3 million behind bars — some 743 prisoners per 100,000 population, compared to Russia’s 580, China’s 186, England and Wales’ 154 and India’s 32. African Americans, who are one eighth the nation’s population, are almost half its 2.3 million prisoners, and Latinos, also an eighth of the U.S., are more than a quarter of those locked down. In America today more than 7 million people are under correctional supervision.

June 8

On June 6 the independent International Crisis Group, stocked with well-informed regional experts and former diplomats, issued a report “Making Sense of Libya”. It stated forthrightly that NATO was in the business of “regime change” and was strongly critical of NATO’s refusal to respond to calls for ceasefire and negotiation, a stance which the ICG says is guaranteed to prolong the conflict, and the tribulations of all Libyans.

The ICG then address the topic of Qaddafi’s alleged “crimes against humanity”, even genocide. Remember that the relevant UN resolutions that led to NATO’s current onslaughts were rushed through the Security Council powered by fierce rhetoric about Qaddafi’s “massacre of his own people”, and his “crimes against humanity”, even genocide. The diffuse and mostly vague allegations were usually studded with adverbs like “reportedly”.

On the issue of Qaddafi’s alleged war crimes the International Crisis Group notes reports of mass rapes by government militias, but declares that at the same time,

“much Western media coverage has from the outset presented a very one-sided view of the logic of events, portraying the protest movement as entirely peaceful and repeatedly suggesting that the regime’s security forces were unaccountably massacring unarmed demonstrators who presented no real security challenge. This version would appear to ignore evidence that the protest movement exhibited a violent aspect from very early on….there is also evidence that, as the regime claimed, the demonstrations were infiltrated by violent elements. Likewise, there are grounds for questioning the more sensational reports that the regime was using its air force to slaughter demonstrators, let alone engaging in anything remotely warranting use of the term ‘genocide.’”

A hundred years down the road the UN/NATO Libyan intervention will be seen as an old-fashioned colonial smash-and-grab affair. There may even be a paragraph or two about the collapse of the U.S. left, in mounting any powerful show of protest.

June 16

Rep Anthony Weiner is gone and a good job too. Though progressive publications like The Nation were disposed to clamor for his political survival as a champion of the left, and to deprecate his foolish sexual exhibitionism as an inconsequential blemish in a promising politician, Weiner surely embodied many of the viler strains disfiguring the Democratic Party, starting with servility to Wall Street — the prime trait of his mentor, Senator Charles Schumer. Both Schumer and Weiner voted for the TARP bailout, in contrast to New York’s other U.S. senator, Kirsten Gillibrand.

June 21

In Paris we have had the sad spectacle of former Dior designer John Galliano on trial, dumped by Dior, for a drunken anti-Semitic diatribe to a couple in a café in the Marais in Paris, yet another ludicrous episode in the ongoing repression of free speech. Charge him with being drunk and disorderly maybe, but for verbal ethnic and historical slurs? If DSK makes it back to Paris in the foreseeable future and some says to him in a café, “You dirty sexual pervert” no crime will have been committed. “You dirty Jewish sexual pervert” brings the prospect of heavy fines and even jail time for the perp.

July 18

On August 2, the United States could start defaulting on its obligations as the Tea Party crowd in the House of Representatives refuse to raise the debt ceiling.

America is in love with Apocalypse. It always has been. Every couple of years someone says the End is Nigh. When I came to America’s shores in 1972 Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth had just been published and sold 30 million copies over the next 20 years. Lindsey wrote, rather presciently, that Antichrist would rule over a ten-nation European Community through the 1970s until the Rapture – scheduled for the 1980s – and the Second Coming.

Not many people here really think the US government will shut down on August 3. The fight over the deficit is one of those American ceremonies, as embalmed in ritual speech and gesture as an English coronation.

July 26

Everyone talks about Norway’s peaceful traditions, now destroyed by Anders Breivik’s day of mass murder. Tell that to the Irish Christians on Lambay Island, or the monks of Iona, victims of the first Viking raids in 795 AD, not so long ago when you take the long view. Breivik worried about Muslim immigration, with an alien faith. The Vikings had their furious Gods, certainly not Christian. Truth be told, the monasteries in Ireland had been attacking each other before the Norsemen ever set foot in the Emerald Isle. In 807 the monasteries of Cork and Clonfert went at each other with , as the choricle put it, “an innumerable slaughter of the ecclesiastical men and superiors of Cork.”

August 4

Of course he blew it. Whether by artful design or by sheer timidity is immaterial. He blew it. Two days before the United States was officially set to default on its debts on August 2, Barack Obama had the Republicans where he wanted them: All he had to do was announce that he’d trudged the last half mile towards a deal but that there’s no pleasing fanatics who reject all possibilities of compromise, who are ready and eager to shut down the government, to see seniors starve and vets denied their benefits. So, Obama could proclaim, he was invoking the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution which states that the “validity of the public debt of the United States … shall not be questioned.”

Obama could have done that, but he didn’t. At the eleventh hour and the fifty-fifth minute he threw in the towel, and allowed the Republicans to exult that they’d got 95 per cent of what they wanted: cuts in social programs, a bipartisan congressional panel to shred at its leisure what remains of the social safety net, no tax hikes for the rich, no serious slice in the military budget..

August 10

What’s a riot without looting? We want it, they’ve got it! You’d think from the press that looting was alien to British tradition, imported by immigrants more recent than the Normans. Not so. Gavin Mortimer, author of The Blitz, had an amusing piece in the First Post about the conduct of Britons at the time of Their Finest Hour:

“It didn’t take long for a hardcore of opportunists to realise there were rich pickings available in the immediate aftermath of a raid – and the looting wasn’t limited to civilians.

“The looting was often carried out by gangs of children organized by a Fagin figure; he would send them into bombed-out houses the morning after a raid with orders to target coins from gas meters and display cases containing First World War medals. In April 1941 Lambeth juvenile court dealt with 42 children in one day, from teenage girls caught stripping clothes from dead bodies to a seven-year-old boy who had stolen five shillings from the gas meter of a damaged house. In total, juvenile crime accounted for 48 per cent of all arrests in the nine months between September 1940 and May 1941 and there were 4,584 cases of looting.

“Perhaps the most shameful episode of the whole Blitz occurred on the evening of March 8 1941 when the Cafe de Paris in Piccadilly was hit by a German bomb. The cafe was one of the most glamorous night spots in London, the venue for off-duty officers to bring their wives and girlfriends, and within minutes of its destruction the looters moved in.

“Some of the looters in the Cafe de Paris cut off the people’s fingers to get the rings,” recalled Ballard Berkeley, a policeman during the Blitz who later found fame as the ‘Major’ in Fawlty Towers. Even the wounded in the Cafe de Paris were robbed of their jewellery amid the confusion and carnage.”

The riots in London last week started in Tottenham in an area with the highest unemployment in London, in response to the police shooting a young black man, in a country where black people are 26 times more likely to stopped and searched by the cops than whites. In 1997/98 there were 7,970 stop-and-searches, increasing to 53,250 in 2007/08 and 149,955 in 2008/09. Between 2005/06 and 2008/09 the number of Section 60 searches of black people rose by more than 650 per cent.

As the Daily Mash puts it: “Many of these kids are less then two miles away from people who get multi-million pound bonuses for catastrophic failure and live in a culture where the material excess of people who are famous for nothing is rammed relentlessly into their faces by middle-brow tabloid newspapers. And of course later today the looters will be condemned in Parliament by a bunch of people who stole money by accident.”

I’ve no idea what levels of political organization there are in the ghettoes, nor the possibility of unity, amid the stories of murderous racial clashes between blacks and Asians, with Turks and Sikhs arrayed in defense of their modest stores and temples.

September 8

America’s problems are huge: 14 million Americans officially looking for jobs—about four job seekers for every job vacancy; 8.8 million part-time workers since the recession began; roughly 2.6 million people too discouraged even to look for a job: total – about 25 million people needing work or more work and an economy that is creating no new jobs.

This brings us to Thursday night, and Obama’s address to Congress. He flourished a $447 billion plan involving tax cuts, public works, extensions of unemployment relief, credits to business hiring people who’d been out of work for more than six months.

It’ll do something. Economists raced to their calculators and said that the proposal might add about a million jobs.

But as the economists Randall Wrey and Stephanie Kelton point out, “Business will not hire more workers until it has more sales. Consumers will not spend more until they’ve got more jobs.

You can find America’s future in blueprints minted in business-funded think tanks 30 to 40 years ago at the dawn of the neo-liberal age: destruction of organized labor; attrition of the social safety net; attrition of government regulation; a war on the poor, fought without mercy at every level. Last year the New York police stopped and questioned 601,055 people, predominantly blacks and Hispanics, and the numbers were up 13 per cent for the first six months of this year.

October 12

Even by the forgiving standards of American credulity, the supposed Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the US is spectacularly ludicrous. Why would Iran want to kill the Saudi envoy – the mild-mannered functionary, Adel al-Jubeir? I could understand an inclination to dispose of the irksome Prince Bandar who held the job for 22 years, from 1983 to 2005 – simply in the spirit of “change”. But to kill any ambassador – particularly a Saudi ambassador – is to invite lethal retaliation, even war. Iran doesn’t want war with the US.

Utter absurdity in allegations leveled by the US government is no bar to a deferential hearing in our nation’s major conduits of official opinion. Suppose the CIA leaks a secret national security review concluding that the moon is actually made of cheese, and the Chinese are planning to send up a pair of gigantic bio-engineered rats to breed in numbers sufficient to eat the cheese and this sabotage US plans for Missile Defense radar deployment on the moon’s dark side.

The headlines will initially proclaim “Doubts on Chinese Rat Threat Widespread. Many scoff.” The lead paragraphs in news stories in the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal will quote the scoffers, but then “balance” will mandate respectful quotation from “intelligence sources”, faculty professors, think tank “experts” and the like, all eager to dance to the government’s tune: “Many say ‘rat scenario ‘plausible’” etc etc. Lo and behold, by the end of a couple of days of such news stories, the Chinese rat plot is firmly ensconced as a credible proposition. News reports then turn to respectful discussion of the US government’s options in confronting and routing the Chinese rat threat: “Vice President says ‘all options are on the table” etc.

November 2

The middle class has – at least two thirds of it – crashed into hard times. Americans’ store of value and savings – the house – is worthless; the always pathetic social safety net has eroded. Thirty million Americans are without work or working part-time. Nearly 6 million manufacturing jobs in the United States have disappeared since 2000, and more than 40,000 factories have closed. African-Americans have endured the greatest loss in collective assets in their history. Hispanics have seen their net worth drop by two-thirds. Millions of whites have been pitchforked into desperation. Students emerge from higher education crushed by debt.

This is the mulch that has created the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Its strength lies in the simplicity and truth of its basic message: the few are rich, the many are poor. In terms of its pretensions the capitalist system has failed.

Having briefly tasted batons and pepper spray, OWSers should know that when capital feels it is being pushed to the wall, it will stop at nothing to crush any serious challenge. The cop puts away his smile. The indulgent mayor imposes a curfew. “Exemplary” sentences are handed down. The prisons fill up. The FBI dusts off the Cointelpro blueprint. Organized repression can only be defeated by organized resistance, nationwide. How to mount this is the OWSers’ long-term challenge. These are very early days in the formation of the movement. In Oakland, on Wednesday, OWS staged a rally calling for a General Strike. That was optimism of the intelligence. That was most certainly thinking along the right lines.

November 8

As he prepares to follow Gov. Rick Perry into the oubliette of campaign history Herman Cain can at least console himself that as an alleged harasser of women, his was certainly a classier act than that of a man who not only got elected president in 1992 but was triumphantly reelected in 1996, each time by about 45 million Americans armed with the knowledge that if you left your wife at the next table to Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas in Macdonald’s, by the time you got back from ordering more fries Bill would be ensconced in your seat, his hand already hovering above your wife’s thigh.

Sharon Bialek, one of the women accusing Cain of seeking to take advantage when he was head of the National Restaurant Association in 1997, says that her apprehensions were aroused when in his car, having offered to drive her home, Cain told her he’d already called Washington’s Capital Hilton and upgraded her accommodations to a luxury suite. It was only after this material demonstration of his high regard that Cain put his hand up her skirt and then sought to guide her head towards his lower regions. Ms Bialek says the minute she said No, Cain abandoned his advances and drove her home.

A luxury suite! One of Bill’s targets, when he was governor of Arkansas, would have been lucky to get a ride home in the troop car, after a brisk session in the governor’s office, with bruises on her arms when she resisted the guiding hand. Who says this isn’t the land of progress? Seventy years ago a black man making the sort of advances of which Cain is accused tended to end up swinging from the branch of a tree, not running for president with a hefty quotient of Americans saying they don’t give a toss about the harassment charges.

So Obama’s opponent in 2012 will surely be Mitt Romney, a Mormon millionaire reminiscent in style and utter lack of any fixed political conviction beyond knee-jerk conservatism to George Bush Sr. There’s no point in trying to sketch in “the real Mitt Romney”, because there isn’t one. He’s been campaigning for the Republican nomination for eight solid years, and his brain has been washed clean years ago of anything approaching an original or useful thought about America’s condition

November 16

What next? Thus far the OWS movement has mostly been evoked by its participants in terms of self-education and consciousness-raising about the nature of America’s political economy. There’s been a lot of talk about a brave new world being born. One fellow chided me for not writing more about the movement which he hailed as “the most militant upsurge from the Left since the Vietnam War, the most frontal assault on the worst features of capitalism since the Great Depression.”
This is a vast overstatement. In terms of substantive achievements, OWS has a long way to go, which is scarcely a reason for reproof since it only really got going in September. “The most frontal assault on the worst features of capitalism since the Great Depression?” Scarcely.

The early 1960s Civil Rights Movement prompted the Civil Rights Act, and Medicare, the latter being effectively socialized health insurance for the senior crowd. Pushed by the popular movements, President Johnson and a Democratic Congress passed a flood of laws.

These days corporate lobbies own the President and the US Congress and the regulatory agencies. National economic policy is laid down by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, an errand boy of the banks. He took over from Hank Paulson, also an errand boy for the banks. If Obama is not re-elected in 2012, another errand boy will be waiting in the wings.

In the 1930s Roosevelt developed his New Deal program in part to head off mass movements to his left. In the 1960s Kennedy and Johnson similarly responded to the challenge of mass movements. Today, the OWSers have registered a presence and won considerable public support, which should not be surprising because America is in poor shape, the rich unpopular and politicians despised. But, as yet, there is no sign of any material political consequence deriving from this popularity.

Four years ago a candidacy was gathering momentum, declaring that the time had come in America for a moral awakening, for a change in national consciousness, a rising above self-interest and partisanship. Young people rallied to the call. Obama swept into the White House and promptly stuck a ‘Business As Usual’ sign on the door of the Oval Office.

Michael Hudson lays out a minimal economic program on how to clean out the Augean stables. He calls for a financial Clean Slate:

“To restore the kind of normalcy that made America rich, the most important long-term policy would be to recognize what is going to be inevitable for every economy. Debts need to be written down – and the politically easiest way to cut through the tangle is to write them off altogether. That would free the bottom 99% from their debt bondage to the top 1%. It would be a Clean Slate, starting over – and trying to do things right this time around. The creditors have not used the banking system to make America more productive and richer. They have used it as a vehicle to reduce the population to debt serfdom.

“A debt write-down sounds radical and unworkable, but it’s been done since World War II with great success. It is the program the Allies carried out in the German economy in that country’s 1947 currency reform. This was the policy that created Germany’s Economic Miracle. And America could experience a similar miracle.”

November 22

Michael Bérubé has launched an attack on the “left” for its anti-NATO conduct during the recent upheavals in Libya, during which the current National Transitional Council of Libya has been installed under the supervision of this same NATO. The most obvious fact about what passes for the Left in the US and Europe regarding the entire Libyan saga was that it was only a few notches short of unanimity in endorsing the entire NATO-backed enterprise.

What consistent voices were raised in questioning the premises and applications of the two Security Council resolutions enabling NATO, the factual basis for the reporting coming out of Libya that enabled the near 100 per cent agreement in the press that the UN resolutions justified NATO’s bombing campaign, to avoid “genocide” by Gadhafi “against his own people,” that the credentials and conduct of the rebels, later renamed “revolutionaries” were beyond reproach?.

I do not recall CounterPunch as being part of a substantial chorus in this worthy enterprise. In fact I recall us as being among a mere handful on the left, more in concert with a libertarian site like This is born out by scrutiny of Bérubé’s attack, which is markedly short on names and publications on which to lavish his reprobations of “the left” which, at least prior to the welcome rise of the Occupiers, has been a scrawny thing in recent years. On Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now one was far more likely to hear CIA-consultant David Cole issuing fervent support for the entire intervention than rather any vigorous interviewing of informed sources about what was actually happening on the ground in Libya.

Failure as concerns Libya’s history this year belongs not to the virtually non-existent left, but to the entire political spectrum from progressives and the whole arc rightwards.

December 8

Obama has seized on Teddy Roosevelt as his role model in denouncing those destroying the supposed guarantee of the American Way, strangely defining’s TR’s philosophy as one guaranteeing that every citizen gets a fair bounce on the trampoline, soaring into the safe harbor of “the middle class”.
As for imperial destiny, last month Obama did his own reprise on the Great White Fleet, opening a new US marine base in Australia and shaking his fist at China.

Last Tuesday in Osawatomie, Kansas where TR, attempting a political comeback in 1910, slagged corporate power for the benefit of his audience of 30,000 prairie populists, Obama told a crowd of 1,200: “At stake is whether this will be a country where working people can earn enough to raise a family, build a modest savings, own a home, and secure their retirement.”

When in doubt, wheel on Teddy Roosevelt. It’s in every Democratic president’s playbook. TR was president from 1901 to 1909. He was manly, ranching in North Dakota, exploring the Amazon and nearly expiring on the River of Doubt. He was an imperialist con amore, charging up San Juan Hill, sending the Great White Fleet round the world, proclaiming America’s destiny as an enforcer on the world stage. He loved wilderness, mostly through the sights of a big game hunter’s rifle — a wilderness suitably cleansed of Indians. “I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians,” he wrote in The Winning of the West, “but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.”

When necessary he could play the populist rabble-rouser’s card, flaying the trusts, railing against “the malefactors of great wealth”. But on TR’s watch the modern, centralized corporate American state came of age. LBJ loved TR for his “toughness.” Draft-dodging Bill Clinton invoked TR as his ideal. At least Johnson and Clinton had elements in them of TR’s most admirable trait – gusto, something of which Obama is dismally devoid.

December 18

The great historian Gabriel Kolko makes a persuasive case that in the end the eurozone, inded the EU, will go into meltdown. This is just fine in my book. The sooner we get back to francs, lire, punts, drachmas and the rest of the old sovereign currencies, the better in the long run. It used to be as much a part of going to France as choking on Gauloise smoke to change money and be handed a bundle of notes featuring the devious Cardinal Richelieu, instead of the characterless but somehow always expensive euros.

The EU “project,” a very irritating word that should be tossed in the dumpster along with “iconic,” “meme,” “parse” and “narrative,” is in potential outline a totalitarian nightmare. Down with federalism! Remember Simone Weil’s hatred of the Roman Empire and what it did to Europe’s cultural richness and diversity: “If we consider the long centuries and the vast area of the Roman Empire and compare these centuries with the ones that preceded it and the ones that followed the barbarian invasions, we perceive to what extent the Mediterranean basin was reduced to spiritual sterility by the totalitarian State.” As Weil’s biographer, Simone Pétrement, comments, “The Roman peace was soon the peace of the desert, a world from which had vanished, together with political liberty and diversity, the creative inspiration that produces great art, great literary works, science, and philosophy. Many centuries had to pass before the superior forms of human life were reborn.”

“What did the Roman Empire ever do for us?” the left nationalist asks in Monty Python’s imperishable The Life of Brian. “Roads,” the federalist begins tentatively. My native country of Ireland has been covered with vast roads, courtesy of the EU. We’ve got enough of them. Europe’s got enough of them. Enough of the eurozone, enough of the “European project.”

December 22

A couple of months ago came a mile marker in America’s steady slide downhill towards the status of a Banana Republic, with Obama’s assertion that he has the right as president to order secretly the assassination, without trial, of a US citizen he deems to be working with terrorists. This followed his betrayal in 2009 of his pledge to end the indefinite imprisonment without charges or trial of prisoners in Guantanamo.

Now, after months of declaring that he would veto such legislation, Obama has now crumbled and will soon sign a monstrosity called the Levin/McCain detention bill, named for its two senatorial sponsors, Carl Levin and John McCain. It’s snugged into the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.

The detention bill mandates – don’t glide too easily past that word - that all accused terrorists be indefinitely imprisoned by the military rather than in the civilian court system; this includes US citizens within the borders of the United States. Obama supporters have made strenuous efforts to suggest that US citizens are excluded from the bill’s provisions. Not so. “It is not unfair to make an American citizen account for the fact that they decided to help Al Qaeda to kill us all and hold them as long as it takes to find intelligence about what may be coming next,” says Senator Lindsay Graham, a big backer of the bill. “And when they say, ‘I want my lawyer,’ you tell them, ‘Shut up. You don’t get a lawyer.’” The bill’s co-sponsor, Democratic senator, cosponsor of the bill, Carl Levin says it was the White House itself that demanded that the infamous Section 1031 apply to American citizens.

Anyone familiar with this sort of “emergency” legislation knows that those drafting the statutes like to cast as wide a net as possible. In this instance the detention bill authorizes use of military force against anyone who “substantially supports” al-Qaeda, the Taliban or “associated forces”. Of course “associated forces” can mean anything. The bill’s language mentions “associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or who has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.”
This is exactly the sort of language that can be bent at will by any prosecutor. Protest too vigorously the assassination of US citizen Anwar al Awlaki by American forces in Yemen in October and one day it’s not fanciful to expect the thud of the military jackboot on your front step, or on that of any anti-war organizer, or any journalist whom some zealous military intelligence officer deems to be giving objective support to the forces of Evil and Darkness.

Mindful that the votes of liberals can be useful, even vital in presidential elections, pro-Obama supporters of the bill claim that it doesn’t codify “indefinite detention.” But indeed it does. The bill explicitly authorizes “detention under the law of war until the end of hostilities.”

Will the bill hurt Obama? Probably not too much, if at all. Liberals are never very energetic in protecting constitutional rights. That’s more the province of libertarians and other wackos like Ron Paul actually prepared to draw lines in the sand in matters of principle.

Simultaneous to the looming shadow of indefinite internment by the military for naysayers, we have what appears to be immunity from prosecution for private military contractors retained by the US government, another extremely sinister development. The corporations involved are now arguing in court that they should be exempt from any investigation into the allegations against them because, among other reasons, the US government’s interests in executing wars would be at stake if corporate contractors can be sued. They are also invoking a new, sweeping defense. The new rule is termed ‘battlefield preemption’ and aims to eliminate any civil lawsuits against contractors that take place on any ‘battlefield’.

You’ve guessed it. As with “associated forces”, an elastic concept discussed above, in the Great War on Terror the entire world is a “battlefield”.

Suppose now we take the new powers of the military in domestic law enforcement, as defined in the detention act, and anticipate the inevitable, that the military delegates these powers to private military contractors. CACI International or a company owned by, say Goldman Sachs, could enjoy delegated powers to arrest any US citizen here within the borders of the USA, “who has committed a belligerent act or who has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces,” torture them to death and then claim “battlefield preemption”.

Don’t laugh.



And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

1Q84 Haruki Murakami

1Q84  Haruki Murakami


The year is 1984 and the city is Tokyo.

A young woman named Aomame follows a taxi driver's enigmatic suggestion and begins to notice puzzling discrepancies in the world around her. She has entered, she realizes, a parallel existence, which she calls 1Q84 -- "Q is for 'question mark.' A world that bears a question." Meanwhile, an aspiring writer named Tengo takes on a suspect ghostwriting project. He becomes so wrapped up with the work and its unusual author that, soon, his previously placid life begins to come unraveled.

As Aomame's and Tengo's narratives converge over the course of this single year, we learn of the profound and tangled connections that bind them ever closer: a beautiful, dyslexic teenage girl with a unique vision; a mysterious religious cult that instigated a shoot-out with the metropolitan police; a reclusive, wealthy dowager who runs a shelter for abused women; a hideously ugly private investigator; a mild-mannered yet ruthlessly efficient bodyguard; and a peculiarly insistent television-fee collector.

A love story, a mystery, a fantasy, a novel of self-discovery, a dystopia to rival George Orwell's -- 1Q84 is Haruki Murakami's most ambitious undertaking yet: an instant best seller in his native Japan, and a tremendous feat of imagination from one of our most revered contemporary writers.



And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!



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And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

Saturday 5 November 2011

A Cup of Friendship Deborah Rodriguez

A Cup of Friendship  Deborah Rodriguez


From the author of the "bighearted . . . inspiring" (Vogue) memoir Kabul Beauty School comes a fiction debut as compelling as real life: the story of a remarkable coffee shop in the heart of Afghanistan, and the men and women who meet there--thrown together by circumstance, bonded by secrets, and united in an extraordinary friendship.

After hard luck and some bad choices, Sunny has finally found a place to call home--it just happens to be in the middle of a war zone. The thirty-eight-year-old American's pride and joy is the Kabul Coffee House, where she brings hospitality to the expatriates, misfits, missionaries, and mercenaries who stroll through its doors. She's especially grateful that the busy days allow her to forget Tommy, the love of her life, who left her in pursuit of money and adventure.

Working alongside Sunny is the maternal Halajan, who vividly recalls the days before the Taliban and now must hide a modern romance from her...



And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

Tuesday 1 November 2011


MARVEL COMICS January 2011

Peers: 30 seeders, 10 leechers, 40 total, scraped 4 weeks ago

File Size: 2.59 GB

Here are just some of the highlights for January 2011

Amazing Spider-Man 648

BIG TIME BEGINS! Big changes are happening for the Amazing Spider-Man: Bigger threats, bigger guest-stars, and a big opportunity that could turn Peter Parker's life around! Which cast members are staying and who's saying goodbye? Find out as we're introduced to new characters and reintroduced to a number of Spidey villains as they make the triumphant return to the book! Plus: New developments for Mayor J. Jonah Jameson, the staff at Front Line, and The Sinister Six! The next chapter in Spider-Man history starts here! Guest starring THE AVENGERS and THE FANTASTIC FOUR in a giant-sized, 39 page lead feature! PLUS! An All-New Adventure featuring the All-New SPIDER-GIRL! PAUL TOBIN & CLAYTON HENRY bring a tale of action & intrigue, and make a strong argument for why you can sometimes send a Spider-GIRL to do a Spider-MAN's job...

Ant-Man & Wasp 001

Two of Marvel's smallest heroes must join forces and get over one BIG elephant-in-the-room! Eric O'Grady once STOLE the Ant-Man suit from Hank Pym. But now, Eric is the only one who knows about a secret AIM plot to steal Pym's greatest invention! Can the two men get along long enough to save the soul of the former GOLIATH, Bill Foster? Tim Seeley, creator of 'Hack/Slash' brings us the big story of the two smallest Avengers! And make sure you check out this adventure before the astonishing events of AVENGERS ACADEMY #7 next month!

Astonishing Thor 001

'Waves are but water, wind but air. And though lightning be fire... IT MUST ANSWER THUNDER'S CALL.' The God of Thunder finds himself battling a mysterious surge of natural catastrophes - hurricanes, tidal waves, earthquakes. At first, the Son of Odin suspects Zephyr, immortal mistress of the winds, but soon he finds that the climactic upheaval must be attributed to a much larger force... EGO, THE LIVING PLANET! From ROBERT RODI and MIKE CHOI! Spinning out of the destruction of Asgard, ASTONISHING THOR is an out-of-this-world adventure-where the entire universe hangs in the balance!

Avengers & the Infinity Gauntlet 004

The Thrilling Conclusion to the space-spanning saga! The evil Thanos has toyed with the Avengers long enough...time to do away with them and get to controlling the entire universe! Can Earth's Mightiest Heroes make a final stand and save EVERYTHING...or is it Thanos Triumphant?

Avengers - Earth's Mightiest Heroes 001

Based on the AMAZING new animated series! What do you do when the world's evilest villains attack? Call Earth's Mightiest Heroes to save the day! In our first tale, CAPTAIN AMERICA and THOR face a threat bigger than BOTH of them! And in tale two, following the exploits of everyone's favorite arrow-flinger: HAWKEYE! Brought to you by superstar writer CHRISTOPHER YOST (X-FORCE) and incredible artists SCOTT WEGENER (Atomic Robo) and PATRICK SCHERBERGER (WORLD WAR HULKS)!

Avengers Prime 004

The Nine Realms have fallen apart and the only ones that can stop the madness are Thor, Captain America and Iron Man. But why is Hela battling the Enchantress? And how is Thor gathering an army? And which great villain has come back from the dead?! You've gotta read it to believe it!

Avengers - The Children's Crusade 003

THE RETURN OF WANDA MAXIMOFF! The search for the Scarlet Witch is finally over as the Young Avengers find Wanda. But is she a hero or a villain? Is she still the Scarlet Witch? The battle over Wanda rages on as Avengers go up against the Young Avengers, Magneto clashes with Quicksilver, Wonder Man battles Wolverine, and the most powerful villain in the Marvel Universe conspires against them all so that he can possess Wanda himself.

Black Widow 008

Your name is Nick Crane. You've met this beautiful girl, and you're traveling all over Eastern Europe. It'd be like some crazy romantic comedy, except for... well, the secret government torture rooms. The black hood (that smells like garlic) over your head. The kidnapping, the poison mist, the gunfire, the chase through the bitter cold and the train derailing. And now there's this crazy guy in a robot suit and some messed-up witch-looking woman coming after you, and the only thing between you and them is that beautiful girl, who calls herself Black Widow... and you know, you kind of think she still may have killed your father. Duane Swierczynski and Manuel Garcia's new era for the super-spy Avenger known as Black Widow continues here! Jump on now before the thrill-packed, globe-hopping, bone-snapping crossover with HAWKEYE AND MOCKINGBIRD kicks off next month.

Captain America 612

Not even Captain America can escape the crimes buried in his past... The most controversial story of the year 'The Trial of Captain America' continues! By the acclaimed team of Ed Brubaker and Butch Guice.

Captain America - Forever Allies 004

In the heart of the Andes, Lady Lotus seeks out the power of the Celestials themselves. Can Captain America stop her in time? Or will the last, unresolved case of the original Young Allies prove to be his undoing? Roger Stern (INVADERS: EVE OF DESTRUCTION), Nick Dragotta (WEB OF SPIDER-MAN) and Marco Santucci (SIEGE: SPIDER-MAN) guarantee that the answers come fast and furious in this final, fateful, earth-shattering tale - 'In the Hall of the Gods!' Guest-starring the Black Widow and the Falcon!

Casanova - Gula 001

CASANOVA is back. Or is he? Actually Casanova is gone. Gone from space, gone from time. The burning question WHEN IS CASANOVA QUINN hangs over the entire world as E.M.P.I.R.E. and W.A.S.T.E. alike race toward the horrible, inevitable, answer...The second staggering volume of CASANOVA starts here by the Eisner-laden team of Matt Fraction (THOR, UNCANNY X-MEN, THE INVINCIBLE IRON MAN) and Fábio Moon (DAYTRIPPER, SUGARSHOCK) taking over art duties. Never before collected! Never before reprinted! Never before understood! In gorgeous full 4-D psychocolor! Worth a million in prizes! Change your shorts, change your life, change into a nine-year-old Hindu boy! Guaranteed!* *not actually guaranteed

Fantastic Four 585

World's apart from each other, the Fantastic Four embark on their individual journeys with one destined to end in tragedy and change the face of Marvel's first family. It's THREE, part 3:'The Last Kings of Atlantis'!

Generation Hope 001

Mers returned from the future she triggered the rebirth of the mutant gene. Five lights appeared on Cerebra and five mutants' powers came to life, but their activations have been chaotic and dangerous, nearly killing each of them. It was only the touch of Hope that saved their lives. With Rogue and the four new mutants who were gathered in UNCANNY X-MEN, Hope heads to Japan to join Cyclops, Wolverine and the fifth light. But will this new light be a hero or a villain? Only KIERON GILLEN (THOR) and SALVA ESPIN (SAVAGE SHE-HULK) know!

Hawkeye & Mockingbird 006

Attention new readers: This shock-filled issue is a great jumping-on point! After last issue's daring developments, learn what will impact our deadly duo next! What is Hawkeye's new mission? Why is Mockingbird in the Savage Land? What secret is Dominic Fortune keeping? And who is the mysterious organization that is launching plans to destroy the lives of our troubled tandem? Time to leap on the rollercoaster that has's Best Shots raving 'It's lighthearted swashbuckling with romance and intrigue...Just like the skills of its titular heroes, this is a book you can't miss.'

Heroic Age - Villains 001

Under the guidance of Steve Rogers, Earth's heroes are at an all-time high but that doesn't mean the villains are taking it lying down! Get inside Steve Rogers' secret filesas he analyzes evil from the cosmic menaces of Thanos and the Cancerverse, to the arcane might of Hela and Black Talon, to the armies of Leviathan and Hydra, to the costumed escapades of Deadpool and the White Rabbit! It's 64 fact-filled pages of the worst men and women the Marvel Universe can offer!

Incredible Hulks 616

From the day the HULK was born in nuclear fire, he's always insisted he just wants to be left alone. But for the past three years, Bruce Banner has taken the opposite path, forging deep new bonds and building a super-powered family of Incredible Hulks. Now the abiding wisdom or terrible folly of that course of action will be revealed as the Green Goliath leads the Incredible Hulks in the final battle to stop his insane son HIRO-KALA from destroying two planets. Today the DARK SON saga comes to a shocking conclusion -- and a Hulk will fall! PLUS: All-new backup stories featuring the Hulk's gamma-powered allies!

Invincible Iron Man 032

IRON MAN vs. DETROIT STEEL! The fuse that was lit with STARK RESILIENT reaches an inevitable, explosive end. Tony Stark races for his life against an endless Hammer Industries fleet intent on killing him and destroying his greatest creation. War Machine and Rescue fight Detroit Steel as Hammer plays its hand against the nascent Stark Resilient. And all of Tony Stark's plans are in danger as the greatest foe he's ever faced finally reveals his hand...

Iron Man - Rapture 001

4-issue Marvel Knights limited series! A pulse-pounding cyberpunk thriller by Alexander Irvine (The Narrows) and Lan Medina (Deathlok: The Demolisher). The future belongs to Tony Stark. So when a violent heart attack pushes the billionaire playboy and visionary inventor to the brink of death, he's not about to go down quietly. Enter Stark 2.0 - a fusion of man and machine unlike anything the world has seen before, an entity that will push its host past the brink of sanity as it attempts to recreate the world in its own image. With Stark Industries in lockdown, it's up to Starks's associates Pepper Potts and Jim Rhodes to stem a technological virus that might well contaminate the entire world. But to save the day, they'll need Tony's help - if, indeed, there is anything left of him.

Iron Man - Thor 001

Thor, God of Thunder, Son of Asgard, heir to the ancient and mythic heritage of divine power! Iron Man, invincible hero, miracle of technology, offspring of scientific genius and engineering wonder! These two mightiest of Avengers come together to face a menace that is both magical and technological, and which threatens to wipe away the pantheons of legend and science so it can replace them with a shocking new order for the Twenty First century! Written by fan favorites DAN ABNETT and ANDY LANNING (Guardians of the Galaxy) and penciled by SCOT EATON (Doomwar).

New Avengers 006

The shocking battle for our dimension comes to a shattering conclusion; and not everyone will survive!! Who will make the ultimate sacrifice to save us? Marvel fans will not want to miss this startling chapter in Avengers history. Plus: another chapter in the oral history of the Avengers!

New Mutants 019

'FALL OF THE NEW MUTANTS' comes to a close and the New Mutants lose the battle against Project Purgatory. Who has fallen? Who will no longer be on the New Mutants? The most heart-wrenching issue of the series is courtesy of Zeb Wells (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) and Leonard Kirk (DARK X-MEN, CAPTAIN BRITAIN & MI13).

Osborn 001

IG TIME HITS SPIDER-MAN'S GREATEST ENEMY! The world's most dangerous felon is in the world's top super-max security prison - an institution so secret even the vice president doesn't know it exists. But can any cell contain Norman Osborn? After the events of SIEGE, the former Green Goblin, Iron Patriot and power-mad director of worldwide security isn't allowed to have a toothbrush... and he's surrounded by the deadliest criminals in the world. Lucky for Osborn, they're fans. Rising stars Kelly Sue DeConnick (SIF) and Emma Rios (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) throw Osborn in the darkest hole the public's never seen! Featuring an all-new bonus story written by Warren Ellis (THUNDERBOLTS)!

Ozma of Oz 001

Dorothy Gale plunges into adventure again, this time with a talking chicken named Billina. Dorothy and Billina are washed off their sailing ship to face drowning, starvation, and screaming Wheelers, strange men with wheels instead of hands and feet. The multiple Eisner Award-winning and New York Times bestselling team of Shanower and Young returns to Oz with this comics adaptation of L. Frank Baum's third Oz book.

Punisher - In the Blood 001

Frank Castle is back. Back for revenge. Back in New York. Back to cleaning its streets. Back together, healed and strong, his mission resumed as he partakes in the sweet wet work, and notches up one of the highest body counts in Punisher history. Cyber sensei Henry Russo is back, keeping Frank proficient with an eye in the sky. Others are back as well - two of Frank's most sadistic enemies united in a new vindictive plot: Enter the Jigsaw Bothers!

Secret Warriors 022

'Night' concludes in tragedy as another member of Nick Fury's team of Secret Warriors dies! The countdown to the shocking series conclusion continues!

Shadowland 005

With the help of his former enemy-turned-champion, Daredevil has thwarted his former friends and finds himself prepared to claim all of New York for himself. The chaos of Shadowland has reached a boiling point, and Daredevil himself may not survive to see the result!

Shadowland - Blood on the Streets 004

It's the chilling climax for the odd squad of Misty Knight, Paladin, Silver Sable and The Shroud! The unlikely quartet believe they've uncovered the real villain behind the mob murders. But the truth is even more shocking than they realize! To lay a trap for the death-dealing ninjas, the four fearless fighters must execute a daring plan, coming together to face off against The Hand...and one of them must face an ugly truth! Don't miss this explosive, dark and bloody conclusion from Antony Johnston (DAREDEVIL) and Wellinton Alves (THUNDERBOLTS)!

She-Hulks 001

SPINNING OUT OF WORLD WAR HULKS! THE SENSATIONAL SHE-HULK RETURNS! Jen Walters teams up with LYRA, the all-new SAVAGE SHE-HULK, to bring the hurt down on the fugitive members of THE INTELLIGENCIA. Klaw, Mad Thinker, Red Ghost, Trapster, and Wizard tried to take over the world and now must pay for what they've done. Guest starring THE INCREDIBLE HULK in this all-new story of She-Hulk smackdown!

Spider-Girl 001

Spinning from the GRIM HUNT in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN! Not every fight can get resolved by punching someone in the face...but Spider-Girl's gonna punch somebody anyway, just to make sure. Follow the swinging adventures of Anya Corazon, the Splendiferous Spider-Girl, as she balances the daily grind of teenage life with the bumps and bruises brought by banging 'bows with bad guys! Guest-starring the FANTASTIC FOUR and a villain that our hero could NEVER, EVER, EVER defeat. Paul Tobin (SPIDER-MAN, SUPER HEROES) and Clayton Henry (UNCANNY X-MEN) present an all-new hero for an all-new era!

Strange Tales II 002

Marvel's critically acclaimed indie anthology returns! The best, most exciting cartoonists working today re-imagine Marvel's greatest characters in three giant-sized issues! And with no ads! Get excited, folks. Comics absolutely do not get more awesome than this! Don't miss out on what's guaranteed to be one of the best reads of the year!!!

Superior 002

Who is-what is-SUPERIOR? And what the hell is he doing breaking into Jonah's room in the middle of the night? Superior's just a guy from comics and movies, anyway, so what did this tights-wearing maniac done to Ollie, Jonah's wheelchair-bound best friend? But as Superior shows off his powers, Jonah learns that things aren't all they seem. MARK MILLAR (KICK-ASS, NEMESIS, OLD MAN LOGAN) and his ULTIMATE AVENGERS 2 collaborator LEINIL FRANCIS YU (SECRET INVASION, NEW AVENGERS, ULTIMATE WOLVERINE VS. HULK) continue to bring us a new age of superhero comics!

Taskmaster 003

Fan-favorite anti-hero Taskmaster and his thoroughly involuntary sidekick/love interest Mercedes Merced are on the precipice of unlocking Tasky's secret origin, which is so secret even he doesn't know what it is. The final leg of the journey involves storming a foreboding Bavarian castle ... high in the South American Andes? And if that wasn't bizarre enough, Taskmaster finds goose-stepping Seig-Heiling death in 'THE TOWN WHERE EVERYONE IS HITLER'. You need to read it to believe it! We guarantee you won't read a stranger tale this year without the benefit of chemical enhancement!

The Stand - Hardcases 005

It is the eve of the most important night in Boulder Free Zone history, and Mother Abagail is still missing... As Stu leads a desperate search for her, suspicions drive Frannie into taking a terrible risk, while Harold, gun heavy in his pocket, weighs a terrible choice... Stand up and be counted, True Believer, as HARDCASES draws to its pulse-pouding conclusion, leading to this epic, acclaimed adaptation's most explosive chapter yet! script by ROBERTO AGUIRRE-SACASA (Sensational Spider-Man; HBO's Big Love) and artwork by MIKE PERKINS (Captain America)!

Thor 617

THE WORLD EATERS continue their rampage down the World Tree on an unstoppable blitz to Asgard. The magnificient residents of the nine worlds flee their rampage... coming to Asgard for protection. Can the Fallen City protect the exiles of seven worlds from an unimaginable evil? And what on earth is Thor doing in Paris? And who has he found there...? You wouldn't believe us if we told you.

Thunderbolts 150

Iron Man, Thor and the original Captain America guest-star in this 96-page 150th blow-out issue! First, in the 40-page lead story, The Thunderbolts reach their milestone as loudly as possible, when the golden figures of the Marvel Universe come to their gray world - none other than the Armored Avenger, the God of Thunder and the Super-Soldier! Thor has come to hold court with one of his people held in the women's wing of The Raft, and when his fellow Avengers join him, things go to a realm no one expected! Iron Man comes face-to-face with Ghost, the man who almost killed him, and Steve Rogers confronts the man who did kill him, Crossbones! Plus: character bios, key reprints and more surprises in the book that has exclaiming: 'Parker and Walker are injecting a bit of fun and excitement into the title...This is the most consistently enjoyable title with the Heroic Age banner and anyone looking for a great team book would do well to give Thunderbolts a read.'

Thunderstrike 001

A proud legacy continues! Eric Masterson was the first to wield the enchanted mace called Thunderstrike and he sacrificed himself to save the world. But what happened to the mace? Has it been lost for all eternity or does the world still need heroes? Has the time finally come for someone else to follow Eric's journey and take on the mantle of Thunderstrike? Join us as the Marvel Universe welcomes back the everyman Avenger, THUNDERSTRIKE! Guest-starring Steve Rogers, Sharon Carter and the rampaging Rhino!

Tron - Original Movie Adaptation 001

Marvel Comics is proud to bring to you a stunning new visualization of the first TRON film. Adapted by legendary scribe PETER DAVID (X-Factor, The Dark Tower) and stunningly illustrated by MIRCO PIERFEDERICI (X-Men Legacy, Dark Wolverine)! Don't miss this legendary comics event!

Ultimate Avengers 3 004

The Avengers behold a new menace: Vampire X! With Cap bitten, the super-soldier is turning into a super-vampire and the stakes are even higher. Blade finally reveals Vampire X's true intentions, but can the heroes stop this mysterious enemy - or are they one bite closer to an eternity of immortal behavior? MARK MILLAR (KICK-ASS) and STEVE DILLON (PUNISHERMAX) tell a vampirific tale you won't be able to put down!

Ultimate Spider-Man 150

Wraparound Cover by David Lafuente Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Art by DAVID LAFUENTE, SKOTTIE YOUNG, SARA PICHELLI, JAMIE MCKELVIE & more! Not only is this officially the Ultimate Spider-Man 150th issue anniversary, but it is also the 10 year anniversary of the birth of the Ultimate Marvel universe!! Can you believe it?? We can't either! To celebrate, Eisner award-winning series writer Brian Michael Bendis has created this triple size extravaganza and gathered together a stellar lineup of amazing artists!! A reunion of the greatest artists of not only this historic book but of the the entire line of Ultimate Comics. Poor Peter Parker has made such a mess of his life as Spider-Man that the other super heroes are forced to gather together and decide once and for all what to do with the young wall crawler. Guest starring the New Ultimates, the Storm Siblings, Ben Grimm, Iceman, Kitty Pryde and a slew of surprise stars! Also includes reprinting of Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special #1 featuring an all-star artist line-up!

Uncanny X-Force 002

'THE APOCAYLPSE SOLUTION,' PART 2-The X-Force are in deep trouble. Stranded in the Blue Area of the moon at the hands of the Last Horsemen, EVA decimated, the team scattered, diseased and terribly injured, the situation is beyond hopeless. Ozymandias and the Akkaba Society are a step closer to instigating a new age. Apocalypse is ascending. X-Force is down, outmanned and without aid. That's it - someone's going feral.

Uncanny X-Men 530

Is there anything worse than that slow, sinking, feeling like you're getting sick? You can't get warm. Your bones hurt. Your throat closes and your chest gets too heavy every time you breathe and then you know you're doomed... so what if it happened to all the X-Men, all at once? The Sublime are back and they've unleashed a contagion on Utopia. To what end? Why now? And what's next? Who's left in San Francisco to deal with the Collective Man? Related: where does Dazzler get all her awesome outfits? Part 1 (of 5)

Warriors Three 001

Hath the world known anyone so noble as Hogun? So dashing as Fandral? So... er... great as the mighty Volstagg? HATH THE WORLD EVER KNOWN ANYTHING LIKE THE WARRIORS THREE? The answer is 'no,' and that's probably a good thing, for the tectonic plates of Midgard most likely could not withstand such... ah... might. But lo, an evil is brewing down in the depths of Hel that neither man nor God is prepared for. When an ancient monster is let loose on the world, only the WARRIORS THREE are able to rise to the challenge! From the bestselling comics writer BILL WILLINGHAM (Fables) and breakout artist NEIL EDWARDS (Fantastic Four) comes a tale of such magnitude the Marvel Universe has never seen!

X-Men - Curse of the Mutants Spotlight

As Curse of the Mutants reaches its exciting climax, this special issue of Spotlight takes a look at what's next for the X-Men: Who survived the bloody onslaught, and which mutants are cursed for good? With special preview art and insider information from the creative types behind Curse of the Mutants and its many tie-ins - as well as looks back to other classic clashes between mutants and vampires - it's going to be a blood-sucking good time! Also, Spotlight delivers a post-game report on Shadowland: what's next for Daredevil and the rest of the events' combatants? Finally, we make room for a look ahead to the Chaos War, an event even bigger than Annihilation and the Infinity Gauntlet combined! How's that? Because Hercules is starring in it, that's how!

X-Men Legacy 242

After suffering heavy damage during Bastion's attack on mutantkind, the city of San Francisco is rebuilding. Hoping to aid in the reconstruction effort, Cyclops tasks a team of X-Men - including the newly-arrived mutant messiah, Hope - to lend a hand. But when something goes terribly wrong, will the X-Men lose everything they fought for?

X-Men - To Serve and Protect 001

We're knee-deep in the Heroic Age and the X-Men are smack-dab in the center of the Marvel Universe! CHRIS YOST returns to the X-Books to tell a story that pits two fan-favorite X-Men up against a major Spider-Man villain in a four-part story that will run through each issue of this multi-story extravaganza! Who are these X-Men and why are they wearing disguises? Also in this issue, Fantomex and Batroc fight over a stolen diamond, and more!

103 issues were published in 2011 01

First Issue
Ant-Man & Wasp 001 [Marvel Universe]
Astonishing Thor 001 [Marvel Universe]
Avengers - Earth's Mightiest Heroes 001 [TV Tie-In]
Bullseye - Perfect Game 001 [Marvel Universe]
Captain America - Man Out of Time 001 [Marvel Universe]
Casanova - Gula 001 [Icon]
Chaos War - Dead Avengers 001 [Marvel Universe]
Chaos War - Thor 001 [Marvel Universe]
Generation Hope 001 [Marvel Universe]
Iron Man - Rapture 001 [Marvel Knights]
Iron Man - Thor 001 [Marvel Universe]
Osborn 001 [Marvel Universe]
Ozma of Oz 001 [Licensed Property]
Punisher - In the Blood 001 [Marvel Universe]
She-Hulks 001 [Marvel Universe]
Spider-Girl 001 [Marvel Universe]
Thunderstrike 001 [Marvel Universe]
Tron - Original Movie Adaptation 001 [Licensed Property]
Warriors Three 001 [Marvel Universe]
X-Men - To Serve and Protect 001 [Marvel Universe]

Final Issue
Avengers & the Infinity Gauntlet 004
Black Widow 008
Captain America - Forever Allies 004
Hawkeye & Mockingbird 006
Incredible Hulks - Enigma Force 003
Marvelman Family's Finest 006
Shadowland 005
Shadowland - Blood on the Streets 004
Shadowland - Power Man 004
The Stand - Hardcases 005
Tales of the Dragon Guard - Into the Veil 003
Thanos Imperative 006
Young Allies 006

2011 01
☐ * Amazing Spider-Man 648 07 of 07 covers 58pgs scanned by Minutemen-Megatonic [variant covers - ScanDog]
☐ * Amazing Spider-Man 649 02 of 02 covers 34pgs scanned by Minutemen-Megatonic [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Ant-Man & Wasp 001 25pgs scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Astonishing Thor 001 02 of 02 covers 25pgs scanned by Minutemen-Bula! [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Avengers & the Infinity Gauntlet 004 24pgs scanned by Minutemen-MrPink&Saxon
☐ * Avengers - Earth's Mightiest Heroes 001 29pgs scanned by Minutemen-TwiztiD-T
☐ * Avengers - The Children's Crusade 003 02 of 02 covers 27pgs scanned by Minutemen-Meganubis [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Avengers 007 08 of 08 covers 41pgs scanned by Minutemen-TwiztidSax [variant covers - ScanDog]
☐ * Avengers Academy 006 02 of 02 covers 26pgs scanned by Minutemen-TwiztiD-T [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Avengers Prime 004 c2c scanned by FrankBlack-CPS
☐ * Avengers vs Pet Avengers 002 25pgs scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Black Widow 008 25pg scanned by Minutemen-Shepherd&Saxon
☐ * Bullseye - Perfect Game 001 23pgs scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Captain America - Forever Allies 004 24pg scanned by Minutemen-MrPink&Saxon
☐ * Captain America - Man Out of Time 001 02 of 02 covers 25pgs scanned by Minutemen-DTs [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Captain America 612 02 of 02 covers 34pg scanned by Bchry-DCP [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Casanova - Gula 001 c2c scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Chaos War - Alpha Flight 001 27pg scanned by Minutemen-TerminatedScanner
☐ * Chaos War - Chaos King 001 34pg scanned by Minutemen-TerminatedScanner
☐ * Chaos War - Dead Avengers 001 27pg scanned by Minutemen-TerminatedScanner
☐ * Chaos War - Thor 001 27pg scanned by GreenEngine-DCP
☐ * Chaos War 003 29pgs scanned by GreenGiant-DCP
☐ * Daken - Dark Wolverine 003 25pg scanned by Minutemen-DarthSax
☐ * Deadpool 029 25pg scanned by Minutemen-XxxX
☐ * Deadpool Corps 008 25pg scanned by Minutemen-XxxX
☐ * Deadpool MAX 002 24pg scanned by Minutemen-CH3OH
☐ * Deadpool Pulp 003 25pg scanned by Minutemen-XxxX&ThosTew
☐ * Deadpool Team-Up 887 c2c scanned by Legion-CPS
☐ * Fantastic Four 585 03 of 03 covers 27pg scanned by Minutemen-DTs [variant covers - ScanDog and ArtNet-DCP]
☐ * Generation Hope 001 03 of 03 covers 39pg scanned by Minutemen-Meganubis [variant covers - ScanDog]
☐ * Hawkeye & Mockingbird 006 25pg scanned by Minutemen-Sha-Hic!
☐ * Heroic Age - Villains 001 65pg
☐ * Hulk 027 35pg scanned by Minutemen-Fiji
☐ * I Am An Avenger 003 25pg scanned by Minutemen-MinaHarker
☐ * Incredible Hulks - Enigma Force 003 27pg scanned by GreenGiant-DCP
☐ * Incredible Hulks 616 33pg scanned by Minutemen-Fiji
☐ * Incredible Hulks 617 33pg scanned by Minutemen-Fiji
☐ * Invaders Now! 003 03 of 03 covers 27pg scanned by Minutemen-TwizToons [variant covers - ScanDog]
☐ * Invincible Iron Man 032 33pg scanned by Minutemen-TwizToons
☐ * Iron Man - Legacy 008 25pg scanned by Minutemen-CalamityCoyote
☐ * Iron Man - Rapture 001 25pg scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Iron Man - Rapture 002 25pg scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Iron Man - Thor 001 24pg scanned by Minutemen-Bula!
☐ * Klaws of The Panther 003 25pg scanned by Minutemen-DarthTew
☐ * Marvel Adventures Spider-Man 007 24pg scanned by GreenGiant-DCP
☐ * Marvel Adventures Spider-Man 008 25pg scanned by GreenGiant-DCP
☐ * Marvel Adventures Super Heroes 008 25pg scanned by GreenGiant-DCP
☐ * Marvel Previews 088 c2c scanned by ArtNet-DCP
☐ * Marvel Super Hero Squad 011 c2c scanned by PeteThePIPster
☐ * Marvelman Family's Finest 006 02 of 02 covers c2c scanned by Minutemen-TwiztiD-T [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Namor - The First Mutant 004 25pg scanned by Minutemen-MegaShepherd
☐ * New Avengers 006 34pg scanned by Minutemen-Twiztid&Saxon
☐ * New Mutants 019 25pg scanned by Minutemen-Megatonic
☐ * New Mutants Forever 004 24pg
☐ * Osborn 001 02 of 02 covers 34pg scanned by Minutemen-DTs [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Ozma of Oz 001 04 of 04 covers 27pg scanned by Minutemen-Sha-Hic! [variant covers - ScanDog]
☐ * Punisher - In the Blood 001 24pg scanned by Minutemen-MrPink&DTs
☐ * Scarlet v1 004 03 of 03 covers c2c scanned by Minutemen-CH3OH [variant covers - ScanDog]
☐ * Secret Avengers 007 02 of 02 covers 27pg scanned by Minutemen-TwizToons [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Secret Warriors 022 25pg scanned by Minutemen-Drunk with Passion
☐ * Shadowland - Blood on the Streets 004 27pg scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Shadowland - Power Man 004 c2c scanned by Legion-CPS
☐ * Shadowland 005 03 of 03 covers 36pg scanned by Minutemen-TwiztiD-T [variant covers - ScanDog]
☐ * She-Hulks 001 32pg scanned by GreenGiant-DCP
☐ * Spider-Girl 001 03 of 03 covers 36pg scanned by Minutemen-Sha-Hic! [variant covers - ScanDog]
☐ * Spider-Man Magazine 013 c2c scanned by PeteThePIPster
☐ * Strange Tales II 002 c2c scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Superior 002 02 of 02 covers c2c scanned by Minutemen-DTs&Saxon [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Taco Bell - Avengers 001 c2c scanned by Nodge
☐ * Taco Bell - Fantastic Four 001 c2c scanned by Nodge
☐ * Taco Bell - Invincible Iron Man 001 c2c
☐ * Taco Bell - X-Men 001 c2c scanned by Nodge
☐ * Tales of the Dragon Guard - Into the Veil 003 c2c scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Taskmaster 003 25pg scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Thanos Imperative 006 25pg scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * The Stand - Hardcases 005 c2c scanned by theProletariat-DCP
☐ * Thor - First Thunder 003 25pg scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Thor - For Asgard 004 25pgs scanned by Minutemen-Bula!
☐ * Thor - The Mighty Avenger 006 25pg scanned by Minutemen-Hawaiian Punch
☐ * Thor 617 02 of 02 covers 26pg scanned by Minutemen-Sha-Hic! [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Thunderbolts 150 02 of 02 covers 90pg scanned by Minutemen-ThosTew [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Thunderstrike 001 31pg scanned by Minutemen-Hawaiian Punch
☐ * Tron - Original Movie Adaptation 001 02 of 02 covers 37pg scanned by Minutemen-CalamityCoyote [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * Ultimate Avengers 3 004 26pg scanned by Minutemen-CalamityCoyote [has Ultimate Avengers 016 in Indicia]
☐ * Ultimate Spider-Man 150 03 of 03 covers 111pg scanned by Minutemen-MrPink&Saxon [variant covers - ScanDog]
☐ * Ultimate Thor 002 26pg scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * Uncanny X-Force 002 28pg scanned by Minutemen-Meganubis
☐ * Uncanny X-Men 530 28pg scanned by Minutemen-Meganubis
☐ * Warriors Three 001 24pg scanned by Minutemen-SunburntPhD
☐ * Wolverine 003 31pg scanned by Minutemen-TerminatedScanner
☐ * Women of Marvel 001 30pg scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * X-23 003 25pg scanned by Minutemen-MessrsPink&Tew
☐ * X-Factor 211 25pg scanned by Minutemen-DTs
☐ * X-Men - Curse of the Mutants Spotlight c2c scanned by PeteThePIPster
☐ * X-Men - To Serve and Protect 001 35pg scanned by Minutemen-Megalixir
☐ * X-Men 005 02 of 02 covers 30pg scanned by Minutemen-Meganubis [variant cover - ScanDog]
☐ * X-Men Forever 2 011 25pg scanned by Minutemen-MegaFiji
☐ * X-Men Forever 2 012 25pg scanned by Minutemen-Megalixir
☐ * X-Men Legacy 242 25pg scanned by Minutemen-Megatonic
☐ * Young Allies 006 02 of 02 covers 26pg scanned by Minutemen


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And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!