Never Knowing Chevy Stevens
Sara Gallagher has always felt like she didn’t belong in her family. Although her adoptive but fragile mother loves her, she feels that her adoptive father always withheld his love and approval, especially when her parents are able to conceive two biological children after adopting Sara. (Plus, it doesn’t help that her relationship with one of her sisters is fraught with tension and jealousy.) As with many adopted children, she’s always had questions about her birth parents: Who are they? Why did they give her up? As she prepares to marry her fiancee Evan, she decides the time is right to find out about her birth parents. After all, she has a legitimate reason to find out all she can about her past besides mere curiosity. Sara is the mother to 6-year-old Ally, and she wants to have all the medical background she can for herself and her daughter. When the private investigator she hires comes back with some answers for her, Sara discovers the terrible truth about her conception and her father—opening the door to terror and horror that will force her to fight for her life and everything she holds dear.
And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!
Thank you for your postings...what happened to .mobi format please.