Sunday, 13 January 2013

Writing NGOs and Civic associations

Writing  NGOs and Civic associations

NGOs and Civic associations play an important role in society. Write a short article to your school magazine about the role of these associations and the benefits young people can get from participating in their activities (approximately 150 words)
These suggestions may help you:

Role of association
Benefits for young people
-give / offer literacy classes
-help the poor / the handicapped…
-protect the environment
-defend human rights
-be good citizens
-develop personality (self-confidence – autonomy)
-gain values and new experience
-serve the community.

Nowadays, ngos and civil associations play an important role in society. So what is the role of these associations and what are the benefits which young people can get from participating in their activities?

Civic associations have several roles social, economic, ecological, cultural and political. First, they help the poor and the handicapped by giving them literacy classes, allowing them to start their personal projects and by providing special care for the handicapped. Second, they defend and promote human rights. That is to say they aim to spread democracy and positive values in society, and they also aim to politicise youths and sensitise them about their rights and responsibilities as active citizens. Finally, ngos also play a fundamental role in the ecological field. They protect the environment by raising awareness about the danger of pollution and recycling waste.

The participation of young people in the activities of these associations can offer them a lot of gains. this means that when young people get involved in the political life of their country, they may gain many new experiences in their life as well as acquire new high moral values.
In addition, they develop their personality, learn autonomy and become self-confident. Therefore, they become full active citizens who are ready to serve their community and protect its stability and prosperity.

To conclude, I am for sensitising youth to take part in ngos and civil associations because they are a source of experience and they offer a lot of benefits to them.

Fatima Zahra Zerhouni
2012 / 2013
Lycee Qadi Ayyad

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