Tuesday 30 June 2009




01- Jack bought an MP3 player last week and he's been listening
to music….. .

A) For a while B) Though C) By then D) Ever since E) So far

02- You had better repeat your instructions carefully……. you
have written them down.

A) Until B) Since C) Unless D) Lest E) For fear that

03- Her apology may be utterly sincere, ………I don't think it will
be accepted.

A) So B) As a result C) Consequently D) In addition E) However

04- ………the beginning of the term , he has never attended to my class.

A) For B) During C) Since D) As E) Beside

05- Demand for the product diminished steadily over a period of four
years. …… the company had to reduce its work force.

A) As a result B) For fear that C) Nonetheless D) Seeing E) However

06- It's a long time……. I last saw her.

A) When B) Since C) As D) While E) For

07- I won't sell the painting that I bought last year at an auction……..
you offer $1000.

A) If B) Only if C) Whereas D) Until E) Even if

08- They went swimming….. the water was still rather cold.

A) As though B) Although C) Once D) As if E) If only

09- …….being constantly interrupted, the speaker finished his speech.

A) Although B) Owing to C) Despite D) Suppose E) For

10- …….we drove north; we could see that the old road was being rebuilt

A) Since B) Because C) As D) When E) Once

11- ……different your opinions may be from mine in some ways,I know
that we agree on the essential points.

A) No matter which B) If C) Although D) Unless E) However

12- Sam is extremely busy, as he is a member of various
committees, ……all his work.

A) Except B) for C) besides D) Though E) But

13- ………the fact that I studied perseveringly for the exam, I failed it.

A) Beside B) Although C) As if D) Whereas E) In spite of

14- I arranged to come early…… we should have time for a talk
before lunch.

A) In order to B) For C) as D) Seeing that E) So that

15- Jack didn't earn a great deal, and……. his wife decided to
take a job.

A) Nevertheless B) Although C) Lest D) In case E) Therefore

16- I can't understand why she expects us to believe her, ……
she thinks we are all fools.

A) If only B) Whenever C) Unless D) Until E) Provided

17- Everything he had done since he joined the company had failed disastrously, ……the manager decided to give him one more chance to prove himself.

A) Thus B) Therefore C) Although D) Nevertheless E) Besides

18- The guests don't look bored; …….. they seem to be having
a good time.

A) Therefore B) As a result C) On the contrary D) Accordingly F) Though

19- I admire her books very much, and…….. I cannot agree with
everything she says.

A) So B) Therefore C) Yet D) As a result E) Otherwise

20- They immediately recognized each other, …….. they
hadn't met for years.

A) When B) As C) Seeing D) Although E) The moment

21- They are likely to be delayed……. the traffic

A) Despite B) In spite of C) Due to D) In addition to E) With

22- …….difficult it may look, it's easy once you have the knack.

A) However B) Whenever C) Nonetheless D) Although E) Despite

23- She gave up hope of passing the examination…… she
had already failed it.

A) Since B) If only C) Although D) Before E) While

24- We decided to postpone the match…… the weather conditions were better
than they had been for weeks.

A) As though B) As if C) However D) Even though E) On the contrary

25- …….to saving energy, the new Metro will stimulate economic

A) Besides B) On contrary C) In spite of D) For E) In addition

26- You look……. you had played in the match instead of watching it!

A) Even if B) As though C) Although D) Much as E) Seeing that

27- It has been argued that…… use a language appropriately in
social contexts, a background or world knowledge is necessary.

A) If B) In order to C) While D) Owing to E) In spite of

28- She didn't study very hard at school. ……….she's finding the
going very difficult.

A) Although B) Nevertheless C) Consequently D) For E) Otherwise

29- I know she is difficult to deal with, but it's no use treating
her….. she were a fool.

A) Even if B) Although C) Despite D) Whether E) As if

30- The team didn't really expect to win. …… they were disappointed at
their heavy defeat.

A) Nevertheless B) As a result C) In fact D) Though E) Therefore

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