Friday 3 July 2009




If + simple present + simple Present:

The zero conditional is used when describing situations which have automatic or

habitual results : (scientific facts general or personal truths. The probability of

the result is 100%.)


If the weather isn't good, I don't like to go out.

If the weather isn’t nice, we usually stay indoors.

If he gets thirsty, he satisfies his thirst drinking cola.

If you heat ice, it melts.

If you heat ice, it turns into water.

If there is a shortage of any product, its prices go up.

If she drinks black coffee in the evening, she loses sleep.

If she drinks black coffee in the evening, she can’t sleep at night.

My parents get angry if I come home late.

As you can see, both the “main clause” and the “if clause” are in the Simple


The zero conditional is sometimes used to give instructions:

Press the button if you want a receipt.

If you want to leave a message, speak after the tone

If = when:

If / when you boil water, it turns into steam.

If / when you heat ice, it turns into water.

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