Sunday 3 July 2011

AUDIO BOOKS Gene Wolfe - Calde Of The Long Sun

Gene Wolfe - Calde Of The Long Sun

MP3 | 154 MB | 32 kbps


Patera Silk, a young priest aboard the generation ship known as the Whorl, finds himself both the unwitting leader of a band of revolutionaries and the pawn of godlike forces trying to reshape a stagnant society. The latest installment in Wolfe's "Book of the Long Sun" series offers tantalizing hints of an ancient history lost to the Whorl's inhabitants. The author continues to prove himself one of the genre's most literate writers and luminescent thinkers. A familiarity with earlier series books is helpful but not absolutely necessary. Most libraries should own this title.



And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

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