Sunday 3 July 2011

AUDIO BOOKS Victoria Alexander - When We Meet Again

Victoria Alexander - When We Meet Again

MP3 | 861 MB | 160 kbps


Prince Alexei of Avalonia is a master at the art of seduction, but when a mysterious young woman he meets at a masked ball spends the night in his bed, he finds he is touched in ways he cannot forget. Still, he wonders if she was real or a dream spun of moonlight.
Alexei might well be a temptation Pamela cannot resist ...
And Miss Pamela Effington is no dream. Certainly, succumbing to the prince's seduction was madness. Now she's come to her senses and is thankful their paths will never cross again. Even if they do, he had never truly seen her face.


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And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

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