Saturday 15 September 2012

Ghazwat Benghazi or Benghazi Battle : The murder of the American ambassador and three of his staff in Benghazi

Ghazwat Benghazi or Benghazi Battle : The murder of the American ambassador and three of his staff in Benghazi

I’m sure of nothing but the only thing I’m sure of is that « Bacile and Co » who made that ridiculous and offending film about the Prophet Mohammed knew exactly what they were doing.

Sam Bacile and Co joined hands with the most chauvinist, hate-filled and Islamophobic community in America (Pastor Terry Jones and Associates) to produce exactly this sort of anger and bloodsheds, which is a predicable response from groups of oppressed, suffocated, unemployed, underfed youth.

These youth are “revolutionaries” like the Prophet Mohammed. He was a “revolutionary” himself against the injustice of his people, Kuraish. He was a “revolutionary” just like these young men and women in Tahrir Square who rose up against the tyranny of the pharaonic American-backed regime of Housni Mubarak.

Prophet Mohammed is idolised, sanctified by Muslims, and when offended and ridiculed, the whole Muslim nation feels they were offended themselves.

What’s happening these days reminds me of the 2005 protests which swept across the whole world from Rabat to Jakarta in reaction to the Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, as a response to the publication of some cartoons by Kåre Bluitgen, Troels Pedersen and Flemming Rose demeaning the Prophet Mohammed.

Jyllands-Posten was also offered anti-Christian and anti-Judaism cartoons, but did not publish them. Why is it always always Islam and Muslims who are offended in the Western media under the pretext of freedom of speech and free expression? Freedom of speech and freedom of expression only when it offends Islamic feeling!

Protesting, shouting some Anti-American slogans in public squares or in front of American Embassies is a civilised way of expressing one’s own opinion and feelings; but killing innocent people is not.

These young men and women go into the streets to protest against America and such other events like “Bacile’s” mean film for one thing. It’s their unique opportunity to take it to the streets .When they descend to protest against unemployment, hunger and injustice, they are beaten, humiliated and tortured in the most horrible ways one can imagine- pissing in their mouths with necks of bottles in their “asses”.

I would take the title of “Bacile’s” so-called film, “Innocence of Muslims” and alter it into “Innocence of Islam”. Islam is innocent but “some” Muslims are not.

Have you ever read the Quran? Have you ever read the Sunna? No. You never did and you will never do. Your answer will be: others did. How can you judge a book which you have never read? What you know about Islam is wrong. I assure you. What you learnt about Islam was handed to you by the so many biased media which are controlling the public opinion in America. Be yourself and do not judge something which you have never tried before.

Some may argue that Islam advocates violence and that Muslims are bloody barbarians.. On the contrary, Islam advocates peace. ”Jihad” (Saint War) was necessary fourteen centuries ago when the newly born creed had very few followers in a vast desert of enemies and unbelievers.

In Surat “The Unbelievers الكافرون”, the Quran clearly says: “……….”

The unbelievers here refers to the Pagan Arabs of the Arabic Peninsular who worshipped A’llat, Al Uzza and Hubal, a “God” made from dates, whenever someone was hungry, he ate a piece from his “God”.

The unbelievers in this Surat does not and will never refer to Christians and Jews. And any interpretation of whatever kind from whoever Faqih is utterely wrong. One of the fundamental pillars of Islam is the belief in God “Allah”, his Angels, his Books (the Torah which was revealed to Prophet Moses, the Zabur (the original Psalms) to Prophet David, the Bible (new Testament) to Prophet Jesus and the Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammed), and the belief in all his Prophets and the Final Day (the Day of Judgement). If a Muslim does not believe in this, he is not a Muslim.

Have you ever come across cartoons drawn by Muslims fooling and offending Jesus or Moses? I do not think so. Just ask yourself this question: Why is it always Islam, Muslims and their Prophet?

Many others may raise a very hot issue: the Burqa. I say it loudly from here, on these pages ,the Afghan Burqa, “imposed” on Afghan women or the Saudi Hijab have both nothing to do with Islam. The Quran is very clear about these matters and left nothing to doubt or interpretation.

In Surat « The Bees النحل », the Quran states firmly : “ And we revealed to you the Book as an explanation of everything وَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ تِبْيَاناً لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ”

This means that the Fatwas and explanations of the Fuqaha’a and Shouyoukh are merely interpretations of the Saint Book, the Quran. Only one explanation can be taken for granted because it complements the Quran. It’s the Sunna, what the Prophet Mohammed said or did in some precise and definite contexts.

Back to the Hijab issue, there are two clear instances where the Hijab was mentioned, in Surat “ The Parties الأحزاب “, Ayat 33 and in Surat “Light النور “, Ayat 24.

In these two Surats, the Hijab (the veil) was imposed on the prophets wives only and not on all Muslim women. Yet, there some complementary Hadiths from the Sunna which better clarify this hot issue. Muslim women should cover only their heads (hair and not faces) and bodies ( No black or blue Burqa, no black gloves and no black glasses).

Wasn’t mother Teresa always wearing a scarf on her head? Don’t Nuns still wear scarves on their heads today? Why is it always Muslim women who shouldn’t wear that piece of garment on their heads? If it’s their free choice, why shouldn’t they?

There is nothing inherently “Muslim” about the outbreak of such violence across the Muslim world. I hope one day to see these young men and women protest peacefully in “civilised” ways so that the Westerners won’t look at them mouth-gaped, not understanding what’s exactly happening as it is now.

What would you expect from a hungry, ignorant and perpetually humiliated mob? The Berlin Wall fell decades ago, but the “Arab Walls” still stand firm in the face of change. Give these youth dignity, proper schooling, justice, a job, and a safe future and then put them to trial.

This attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi wasn’t the amateurish job of some angry, desperate and jobless youth. The Western Intelligence Agencies should look somewhere else.

I’m no politician. I’m no religion fanatic. I’m no thinker. I’m an ordinary citizen of this muddled world led by dark, blind forces as Schopenhauer said.


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