Saturday 26 January 2013

Back To U Kathy Dunnehoff

Back To U  Kathy Dunnehoff


In her third book, Dunnehoff really comes into her own. Back to U retains the trademark humor, irony, and voice that make Dunnehoff's characters so appealing, but this time, she explores territory all too real and familiar to middle-aged readers.

As the heroine Gwen turns 40, her husband walks out and her college-bound daughter hits the road with a rock band. Gwen visits the college, intending to get a tuition refund, but instead winds up enrolled in the very school she never finished. While struggling between the angst of displaced housewife and middle-aged freshman, Gwen discovers talents she long took for granted, like being an exceptional cook, which gains her entry into the prestigious culinary program. She also re-discovers the joys of college life she missed in her youth, like football games with goofy, but likeable jocks. Just when she's comfortably settling in, her college sweetheart (the one she never got over) reappears on campus. Then it's non-stop fireworks to the last page.

This story is just as funny and entertaining as the first two, but Dunnehoff infuses Back to U with newfound wisdom, insight, and compassion. A winning combination!

"Kathy's writing is filled with energy and promise and it feels as if every other paragraph there's an 'I've been there.'"
Dennis Foley, Author of "A Requiem for Crows"

"I thought that I could get away with maybe sneaking in a chapter before bed and being able to settle with reading the story over the course of the week... DANG IT!!! It was just too stinkin' good to 'casually' read! I ended up zipping right through it and reading in every free moment I had."
Amanda Schaffer, Book Reviewer

"Her laugh-out-loud humor, the characters I came to love, the message and gentle delivery... Ms. Dunnehoff has found a voice that all women dipping a toe into the muddy waters of mid-life crisis can understand and learn from."
"Judy", Book Reviewer



And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

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