Saturday 18 May 2013



I- Useful Phrases for informal letters or emails

II- Useful Phrases for writing formal letters or emails

I- Useful Phrases for informal letters or emails
Informal Letters / emails - Greetings:
  • Dear Hafsa,
  • Hello Sonya,
  • Hi Karim,
Informal Letters - Introductory paragraph:
  • Sorry I haven't written for ages
  • Sorry it's taken me so long to write
  • How's it going?
  • How are you?
  • How are things with you?
  • How are things?
An informal letter referring to good news:
  • Glad to hear about
  • I'm really glad to hear about
  • I'm very happy to hear about
  • I was very happy to read about
  • Great news about your
An informal letter referring to bad news:
  • I'm extremely sorry to hear about
  • I'm very sorry to hear about
  • Sorry to read about
  • Its very sad to hear about your
  • I can't tell you how sad I am that
Informal Letters - Introducing points
  • By the way
  • Did you hear about
  • Did you see
  • Have you seen
  • Tell me about
  • Oh, another thing
Ending an informal letter or email:
  • Well, time to go
  • Well, it's time to go
  • Well, got to go
  • Well, time to close
  • I've got to leave off now
  • Write soon
  • Make sure you write soon
  • Love
  • Lots of love
  • All my love
  • Will write again soon
  • Look after yourself
  • Take care of yourself
  • All the best
  • Everything good
II- Useful Phrases for writing formal letters or emails
Writing formal letters generally:
  • Dear Sir,
  • Dear Madam,
  • Dear Sir / Madam,
  • Dear Mr Alami
  • Dear Ms Maslouhi,
  •  etc.
Reason for writing:
  • I am writing in response to your article/advertisement/letter
  • I am writing with regard to your article/advertisement/letter
  • I am writing regarding your article/advertisement/letter
Ending the letter:
  • I look forward to receiving your reply
  • I look forward to your reply
  • I look to hearing from you
  • I am, yours faithfully (if you don't know the name of the person you are writing to)
  • I am, yours sincerely (if you know the name of the person you are writing to)
  • Yours faithfully
  • Yours sincerely
Writing formal letters to complain:
Reason for writing:
  • I am writing in order to complain about
  • I am writing to complain about
Introducing the complaint:
  • Firstly
  • In the first place
  • First of all
  • My first complaint is
  • The first problem is
  • The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is
  • My first concern is
Introducing further complaints:
  • Secondly
  • In the second place
  • Not only …….but also
  • In addition
  • In addition to this
  • Added to this
  • …….was also unacceptable
Demanding action:
  • I suggest that you replace the item
  • I therefore suggest that I be given a full refund
  • I would be grateful if my money was refunded
  • I would be grateful if you could give me a full refund
Ending the letter:
  • I look forward to hearing from you
  • I look forward to receiving a full refund
  • I look forward to receiving a replacement
  • I look forward to receiving your explanation
Writing formal letters to make suggestions:
Reason for writing:
  • I am writing to suggest
  • I am writing to arrange
  • I am writing to offer suggestions
  • I am writing make arrangements
Making first suggestion:
  • My first suggestion is
  • First of all I suggest
  • I would like to suggest
Making further suggestions:
  • Another possibility is
  • A further possibility is
  • I further suggest
  • I would further suggest
  • Secondly
Offering a choice:
  • Would you therefore mind choosing between ….?
  • Either……or
  • You might choose either ……. or
Writing formal letters to request information
Reason for writing:
  • I am writing to receive further information about
  • I am writing to enquire about
  • I am writing to receive more detailed information about
  • I am writing to receive further details about
Requesting first piece of information:
  • The first thing I would like to know is
  • First of all I would like to know
  • I wonder if you would mind telling me first of all ….?
Requesting further information:
  • Could you also tell me….?
  • Could you also inform me ….?
  • Would you also mind informing me ….?
  • Would you also mind telling me ….?
  • Do you know ….?
  • I would also like to know if
  • I would also like to know whether
  • I hope you might also let me know about …
Thanking for information:
  • I would like to thank you in advance for this information
  • Thanking you in advance for this information
  • Thanking you in advance
Writing formal letters to give information:
Reason for writing:
  • I am writing to inform you about
  • I am writing to provide you with information about
  • I am writing to let you know that
Providing first point:
  • The first thing I would like to inform you of is
  • The first thing I would like to tell you is
  • The first thing I wish to inform you of is
  • I would like to begin by informing you
Providing further points:
  • I would also like to let you know that
  • I would also like to inform you that
  • You might also find the following information useful
  • It might also be useful for you to know that
  • Another piece of information that might be useful
Ending the letter:
  • If you require further information, please do not hesitate to as
  • If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask
  • I will willingly provide further information on request
  • I am at your disposal should you require further information
  • I am at your disposal should you need further assistance
  • Please do not hesitate to ask should you require further information
Writing formal letters to request permission
Reason for writing:
  • I am writing to ask permission to
  • I am writing to ask permission for
  • I am writing to request permission to
  • I am writing to request permission for
  • I am writing to ask if I might
Making first request:
  • Firstly I wonder if you would
  • First of all I wonder whether you would mind
  • The first request I would like you to consider is
Making further requests:
  • I would be grateful if you would also consider
  • I wonder if it might be possible for me to
  • I would also like to request permission for
  • I would also like to request permission to
Thanking for permission
  • Many thanks for kindly considering my requests
  • Thank you for considering my requests
Useful phrases for letters of application
Writing tips - Greetings:
  • Dear Sir
  • Dear Madam
  • Dear Sir / Madam
  • Dear Mr Hajji
  • Dear Ms Jalal etc.
Writing tips - Reason for writing:
  • I am writing in response to the job advertisement which I saw in
  • I am writing with regard to the job offer which I saw in
English writing tips - Describing character:
  • I am generally considered hardworking. For example I
  • I am generally considered outgoing. For example I
  • I consider myself a good team member. For example I
  • I consider myself a sociable person. For example I
  • I would say I was an industrious person. For example
  • In my present post I have often needed to show initiative. For example
Writing tips - Presenting qualifications:
  • I obtained a degree in ………… from ……….. University achieving a ……. grade
  • I have …. A levels in ……., ……., ………, and ………
  • I also have a ……. qualification
  • I hold a full driving licence
Writing tips - Language ability:
  • I am a native ……… speaker and also fluent in …………
  • I have an Intermediate level in ……
  • I have an advanced level in ……
Writing tips - Describing experience:
  • I have experience of this type of work because
  • My job at ………….. has given me experience of this type of work
  • Although I have no direct experience, I have
Writing tips - Offering further information:
  • Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me
  • If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me
  • I will gladly supply any further information
Writing tips - Availability for interview:
  • I am available for interview at your convenience
Writing advice - Ending the letter:
  • I look forward to receiving your reply
  • I look forward to your reply
  • Yours sincerely (if addressed to a named person)
  • Yours faithfully (to unnamed person)



And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

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