Monday 24 June 2013

Belong To You Vi Keeland

Belong To You   Vi Keeland


Fans of Bared to you, Fifty Shades and First Thing I See will love this new book!

My honeymoon was almost everything I dreamed it would be, a tropical paradise, turquoise water, romantic walks on the beach, and loads and loads of mind shattering sex. The only thing missing was the groom.

After seven years of coasting through a relationship with Michael, my senses were numb. A week of passion with a stranger was just what I needed to clear my head and take back control of my life. But how do you move on when the man that was only supposed to be a fling somehow seeps into your soul and steals your heart?

"OMG this book was amazingly HOT!!!

"COM. PLETE. LY. MOUTH. WATERING! *giggles* As you all know, I'm a sucker for a hot, domineering fictional man and Jack fits that to a T! His character was just so endearing and well developed and he just stole my heart right along with Syd's. This is an amazing love story, with great characters and some HOT sex."

"Vi Keeland brings all my favorites to book one of this new series. There is lust, angst, sadness and heartbreak, mystery, sex and steam. This book delivers so much more than the synopsis let's on. I was scared it would be about a week-long affair that gives you an immediate HEA. But I was WRONG!  This story starts with an affair but the true story runs so much deeper."    -


And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

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