Thursday 28 April 2011






Simple Present

Facts and generalizations

Water boils at 100 CÂș

Children love cartoons.

Schedules and time tables (future)

My train leaves at 5.30

For repeated actions

I see my grandparents twice a week.

Usual actions

He works as a Waiter in a restaurant

Non-continuous Verbs

know, like, hate, want, love, need, belong, mean, understand, remember, prefer…

Verb + s / es / ies for ( he / she / it )

A: He speaks.

N: He does not speak.

Q: Does he speak?

every day, always, often, normally, usually, regularly, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, on Sundays, at weekends

generally, never…

every day/ week/ month…

once / twice / three times… a week/ day / month/ year…

First... then.. afterwards

Present Continuous

Now (continuous or in progress)

We're studying the English tenses now.

Near future

She's visiting the doctor tomorrow morning.

Repetitions and irritations (with always)

They are always complaining about the same thing.

BE + verb + ing

A: He is speaking.

N: He is not speaking.

Q: Is he speaking?

now, just, at the moment, look !, right now, still

at 3 p.m.

right now, at present, today, these days, nowadays, currently, presently

in this moment, ….

this year/ month/ week…,

tonight, tomorrow,

next week / month…,

in a minute, in a couple of days

Simple Past

For completed actions or series of completed actions in the past

He closed the door, went to bed and turned off the light.

Actions which start and stop in the past

We watched TV last night.

Habits in the past

When he was a child, he drank too much milk.

Verb + ed ( regular )

Irregular verbs should be learnt..

A: He spoke.

N: He did not speak.

Q: Did he speak?


yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/month/year, a few minutes/two hours/five years ago

Past Continuous

After 'while' in the past

While I was cooking dinner, he was laying the table.

Continuous actions in the past

Last week, we were working in a science project.

Repetition and irritation with 'always' in past

The children were always screaming.

Past of 'BE' + verb + ing

A: He was speaking.

N: He was not speaking.

Q: Was he speaking?

at ten o'clock last night
while, when, as, at that time/moment

Present Perfect

Unspecified time before now

We have driven along the coast.

Talking about past actions with an effect in the present

I have found a wallet in the street. Here it is.


Science has progressed a lot.

With the superlative and ever

She's the most intelligent person I have ever met.

Have / has + past participle

A: He has spoken.

N: He has not spoken.

Q: Has he spoken?

this week, this month, this year, 
since, for..,

not... yet. 
already, just, recently, lately

so far, until now, several/four/many times

Present Perfect Continuous

Used to emphasize the duration of the present perfect actions

I've been working in the same school since 1983.

Have/has + been + verb + ing

A: He has been speaking.

N: He has not been speaking.

Q: Has he been speaking?

this week, this month, this year, 
since, for..,

not... yet. 
already, just, recently, lately

so far, until now, several/four/many times

Past Perfect

A completed action before an action in the past

The school had already closed when I arrived.

He didn't go to bed until the last TV programme had finished.

By the time we arrived home, they had served the dinner.

After she had taken a shower, she went to bed.

Past wish

If only they had stayed with us.

Had + past participle

A: He had spoken.

N: He had not spoken.

Q: Had he spoken?

After (conj.)...

up to that time in the past.
"married" to a clause in "simple past"

before, by the time, already

until / till

as soon as

Simple Future


Voluntary action

It's hot in here. I'll open the windows.


I'll carry the suitcase if you like.


I'll buy you a present for your birthday.


It'll be windy tomorrow.

Be going to:


They're going to build a new bridge in autumn.

Intentions and decisions

I'm going to eat less.

Predictions with physical evidence

It's very hot today. We are going to sweat.

Will + verb


Be going to + verb

A: He will speak.

N: He will not speak.

Q: Will he speak?

I think

I hope, 
I expect, 
I believe 
in the next few days, 
in the future, tomorrow, 
this evening

tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, later, next week/month/year, in 2005, for the next 2 years/days/months

A: He is going to speak.

N: He is not going to speak.

Q: Is he going to speak?

in the next few days, 
in the future, 
this evening, 
next weekend

Future Perfect

For completed actions before something in the future

We'll have flown to New York by next week.

In two years’ time, he will have graduated.

By the time we arrive to class, the teacher will have handed out the test papers.

Will have + past participle

A: He will have spoken.

N: He will not have spoken.

Q: Will he have spoken?

by (a future point in time), by this time next year

in a week

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