Wednesday 27 April 2011





Last Monday, while firemen (try) were trying to put out the fire in the forest, two helicopters (join) joined them. Unfortunately. Most of the trees were destroyed. We hope that by the end of 2011, the local authorities (replant) will have replanted the forest.


Najib Sidqi (get) had got his degree in marketing before he started work at the bank. In 2007, he (conduct) conducted a piece of research on developing customer services. Now, he (be) is the manager of a bank agency.


"Our son (run away) ran away from home last week. We (still/look for) are still looking for him. His best friend says that he (not see) hasn’t seen him for two weeks," the father said.


Moroccan authorities (to be) have been interested in developing the tourist industry for many years. Last year 7.5 million tourists (to visit) visited Morocco. Another 8 million (probably/ to come) will probably come next year. Government officials hope that by the year 2012 the number of tourists (to reach) will have reached 10 million.


1- The city council (to build) built a new stadium two years ago.

2- Before she became a doctor, Salma (already/ to work) had already worked as a biology teacher for two years.

3- At the moment, a foreign NGO (to prepare) is preparing a huge project for human development in rural areas in Turkey.


Leila missed the interview yesterday morning; her train (already/to leave) had already left the station when she got there. Now she wishes she (to tell) she had told her mother (to wake) wake / have waken her up earlier.


The Simons (to live) have been living in Marrakesh for ten years when I first (to meet) met them in 1988. By the end of 2008, they (to be) will have been in Morocco for thirty years.


When jack was five, his parents (die) died in a road accident. He survived, but he (be) was seriously injured. Today, whenever he takes his car, he (drive) drives carefully.


Tom : Hi Jamal. Any news about Ibrahim? I ( not/see) haven’t seen him for weeks.

Jamal: Oh yes, he finally (get) got his visa and (buy) bought a plane ticket to Montreal last week. I think, by the end of this month, he (start) will have started his new course in business management.


1-“You must make up your mind as quickly as possible. If you (not to send) don’t send your application soon, it (not to be) won’t be accepted”, the director said.

2- By the end of the year, many people (lose) will have lost their jobs in Europe.

3- Last month, some of the biggest banks in the USA (go) went bankrupt.


1- By the end of next month, the committee (take) will have taken a final decision.

2- An important multinational (organize) organised a seminar in our country last month.


1-we (complete) will have completed our project by 2012.

2- Tom will post the letter as soon as he (finish) finishes writing it.

3-I’m really sorry. If I had known, I (not / tell) wouldn’t have told him.


I (have) have had this mobile phone for about a year. In fact, my father gave it to me as a present on my last birthday. It is a pity my mother (not attend) didn’t attend the birthday party. I am sure if she (be) had been at home with us, she (buy) would have bought me a very nice watch.


1-By the year 2030, the population of some African countries (double) will have doubled.

2- Why did you tell her about the surprise? I really wish you (keep) had kept it secret.


1- By the end of next year, the workers (complete) will have completed the project.

2- If you had shown me how to use the new computer, I (do) would have done .all the work.

3- Many old buildings (restore) have been restored in the medina since last year.


1- By the end of next July, I (complete) will have completed my secondary school education.

2- I’m really tired now. If only I (not / have) hadn’t had to work today.


My uncle (offer) offered .me a present last night but I (not/open) haven’t yet.
I’ll open it as soon as I (get) get home this evening.


1. Najib Mahfoud is famous writer. He (write) wrote ’Bidaya wa nihaya’ in 1959.
He (receive) received .the Nobel Prize in 1993.

2. If it (rain) rains tomorrow, we (stay) will at home.

3. I (not/ write) haven’t written my essay yet.


1.Tourist: I (visit) visited Marrakech last year, but I (not/see) haven’t seen Agadir yet.
Rachid: You should go to Fes, too. It’s really a beautiful town.

2. The new mosque (build) was built .in 1996 by a charity organisation.


1. Ali (catch) caught a bad cold yesterday while he (wait) was waiting for the train in the rain.

2. I’II start doing my homework as soon as my mother (come) comes back from the supermarket.

3. Tom: Would you like a cake, James?
James: No, Thank you. I (already/have) have already had my breakfast.


1. When Hamid (call) called last night, I was watching a football match on television. I (wait) was waiting impatiently
for his call.

2. By this time next year, you (finish) will have finished your high school.


1. If the match starts now, it (end) will end by six o’clock.

2. Pat (live) had lived .in London before he (move) moved to Rome last month.


1. While I (shop) was shopping yesterday morning, I (run) ran into an old friend of mine whom I (not see) haven’t seen for years.


While the Browns (have) were having .dinner last night, the telephone (ring) rang. It was their son Billy in Paris. "I am at the airport now. In half an hour I (leave) will have left Europe", he said.


While I (read) was reading Tom Sawyer last night, the light (go) went off. I (finish) will finish it tomorrow.


I (drive) was driving South to Agadir last month, when my car (break) broke down. I am fed up with this old car. I (buy) will buy a new one next summer.


I (not/visit) haven’t visited Marrakesh yet, but I (be) have been to Agadir already. I (go) went there in 1999. Next summer I (fly) will fly / am going to fly to Laayoun.

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