Sunday 28 October 2012

OCCUPYING WALL STREET Writers for the 99%

OCCUPYING WALL STREET  Writers for the 99%


“Are you ready for a Tahrir moment?”

—Call from Adbusters, July 13th 2011

Occupy Wall Street is part of a global movement that has reached nearly every continent in the last year. Although the protests in disparate nations have taken place under different forms of government and have varied in the specificity of their demands, all have expressed a similar outrage with the inequities of unfettered global capitalism.

In the first months of 2011, North Africa and the Middle East saw a myriad of popular protests. Unrest in Tunisia broke out on December 17, 2010, after a 26-year-old streetvendor, Mohammed Bouazizi, lit himself ablaze because the police kept confiscating his wares to extort money, and he couldn’t support his family of eight. Photos and videos of Bouazizi went viral on Facebook, igniting the rage of a generation of Tunisian youth and sparking colossal street demonstrations that led to the January 14 ouster of Tunisian president Ben Ali.



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