Sunday 9 December 2012

Hard Bite Anonymous-9

Hard Bite Anonymous-9 Elaine Ash


The ebook edition of Hard Bite is available now on Amazon and Kobo.

The hit-and-run driver took everything — his wife, child and legs. Now a paraplegic, Dean Drayhart unleashes payback on suspected hit-and-runners in Los Angeles with helper-monkey Sid as his deadly assistant.

Dean's gentle, doting nurse knows nothing about what he's up to. When Sid tears out the throat of a Mexican Mafia member, Marcie gets kidnapped in order to force Dean's surrender.

Armed with nothing but his wits, Sid, and a sympathetic streetwalker named Cinda, Dean manipulates drug-cartel carnales and the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department in a David-against-Goliath plot that twists and turns to a heart-pounding showdown.

"HARD BITE is outlandish in every way -- a crazed noir excursion into an unprecedented heart of darkness. From the opening line on, it challenges and confronts, attacks and confounds. Violent and sometimes funny, always entertaining."
— T. Jefferson Parker, three-time Edgar Award winner, author of THE JAGUAR and THE BORDER LORDS

The hit-and-run driver took everything—his wife, child and legs. Now a paraplegic, Dean Drayhart unleashes payback on suspected hit-and-runners in Los Angeles with helper-monkey Sid as his deadly assistant.

Dean's gentle, doting nurse knows nothing about what he's up to and when Sid tears out the throat of a Mexican Mafia member, Marcie gets kidnapped in order to force Dean's surrender.

Armed with nothing but his wits, Sid, and a sympathetic streetwalker named Cinda, Dean manipulates drug-cartel carnales and the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department in a David-against-Goliath plot that twists and turns to a heart-pounding finale.

From The Author

"When a strong, self-determined man loses not only his ability to walk, but life as he knows it, a choice must be made: to lie down and fade away, or fight back. But with what? His body is broken, his wife is gone, his beloved daughter is dead.

"Although Dean Drayhart's situation could be desperate or maudlin, his spirits are buoyed with the use of black humour and an unsinkable attitude. Dean doesn't just throw off the shackles of victimhood, he repurposes them as weapons to go after his targets: hit-and-run drivers.

"HARD BITE is a crime novel with a very different kind of serial killer — a victim who refuses to be a victim, a killer with a moral code. Readers can’t help liking Dean — at the same time knowing there's a downward spiral to his vigilantism and that somehow, somewhere this is all going to blow back. As T. Jefferson Parker points out: "From the first line on, [Hard Bite] challenges and confronts, attacks and confounds."

"Happy reading."

Praise For Hard Bite

"A carnival of nightmarish fun, HARD BITE had me gasping from one outlandishly terrifying act to the next, each scene involving The Grim Reaper in a wheelchair; a sharp-fanged, treacherous monkey; a SWAT-team posse of drugged Mexican killers; and/or more tough-but-lovable women with guns than a Mickey Spillane novel."
— Jack Getze, Fiction Editor, Spinetingler Magazine

"a hell of a book that will leave a mark."
— Brian Lindenmuth, editor, Snubnose Press

"By the end, your heart aches a little for the narrator. That’s the true goal of fiction, or it ought to be – to shift you on your foundations in the reading, leaving you off in a slightly different place from where you started."

"The ride is electric...quality that other writers should aspire to achieve."
— Joseph Patchen for Lurid Lit

"Nasty, but a beating heart underneath …very clever; lovely writing."
— Patti Abbott, Derringer Award winner

"Anonymous-9 is one of my favorite crime writers."
— Nick Mamatas, Bram Stoker and International Horror Guild awards nominee.

"If you like your genre on the gonzo side, then you need to get on board the Anonymous 9 train. She's a mysterious writer with an imagination way off there in the ether."
—-Anthony Neil Smith, author of ALL THE YOUNG WARRIORS



And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

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