Wednesday 27 May 2009





1. “Why don't we go to the cinema?”
He................................................................ to the cinema.

A/ warned against going
B/ promised to go
C/ thanked for going
D/ suggested going

2. “Watch out! The bull looks dangerous.”
They.................................................... the dangerous bull.

A/ promised not to come
B/ accused us of coming to
C/ denied going to
D/ warned us against

3. “Sorry, I stayed out late.”

A/ regretted staying out late.
B/ confessed that he had stayed out late.
C/ apologized for staying out late.
D/ denied staying out late

4. “I won't put up with your bad behaviour, Tawfik.”

A/ refused to put up with Tawfik’s bevaviour.
B/ denied putting up with Tawfik’s behaviour.
C/ regretted putting up with Tawfik’s behaviour.
D/ promised to put up with Tawfik’s behaviour.

5. “You said that you would slow down.”
He................................ to slow down.

A/ explain
B/ advise
C/ accuse
D/ promised

6. “What a pity I didn't see the ceremony.”
He.................................... not seeing the ceremony.

A/ denied
B/ accused
C/ regretted
D/ advised

7. “You are right; it was a mistake to get up so early.”
Fariss................................................ early was a mistake.

A/ denied to get up
B/ admitted getting up
C/ begged getting up
D/ advised getting up

8. “Thank you very much indeed.”
He.......................................... Susan.

A/ explained
B/ promised
C/ thanked
D/ refused

9. “President, welcome to our city!”
The Mayor ........................... the President.

A/ greeted
B/ admitted
C/ explained
D/ thanked

10. “Look, he is a thief!”
The greengrocer................................ that man of being a thief.

A/ greeted
B/ regretted
C/ accused
D/ advised

11. “I will help you, Fatine, for sure.”
The teacher.............................. to help Fatine.

A/ denied
B/ regretted
C/ suggested
D/ promised

12. “Stay with us until tomorrow, OK.?”
The uncle.......................... on our staying with them for the night.

A/ insisted
B/ begged
C/ explained
D/ admitted

13. “Mummy, buy me that toy ,please, please.”
The kid................ her Mum to buy him a toy.

A/ confessed
B/ begged
C/ advised
D/ suggested

14. “How about having a swim?”
They.................................................. having a swim.

A/ refused
B/ accused
C/ suggested
D/ warn

15. “It's a pity we didn't meet the president.”
They................................ not meeting the president.

A/ accused
B/ warned
C/ promised
D/ regretted

16. “I will commit suicide.”
The madman................................... the police he would commit suicide.

A/ advised
B/ warned
C/ regretted
D/ denied

17. “Look out! Mad cow!”
The foreman.......................... the other workers against the mad cow.

A/ insisted
B/ warned
C/ promised
D/ suggested

18. “You'd better start learning for the exam, Rochdi.”
The biology teacher....................... Rochdi to start learning for the exam.

A/ advised
B/ promised
C/ suggested
D/ denied

19. “I won't accept this banknote, sir.”
The cashier................................. to accept the banknote.

A/ denied
B/ promised
C/ refused
D/ accused

20. “I'll help you with your English homework.”
The student............... to help the other classmate with the English homework.

A/ advised
B/ accused
C/ suggested
D/ promised

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