Wednesday 13 May 2009





1. You (have) to work very hard if you want to pass your English exam.

2. You will be tired tomorrow if you (not to go) to bed soon.

3. I will see you at the cinema if you (have) the time.

4. If you sell more than you did last year you (be) soon on your way.

5. If he (find) a good job, he will pay all his bills.

6. If he (not accept) our offer, we will have to withdraw.

7. If you (give) me a 10% discount, I’ll buy two.

8. If sales (not improve) soon, we will have to lay off some workers.

9. If the report (not be) on my desk tomorrow morning, you will be in big trouble.

10. If I see you standing around the coffee machine talking again, you (not. get) arise.

11. If you (not do) anything really bad, your job here will be quite safe.

12. If you take my advice, you (not have) problems anymore.

13. I'm sure that if I talk to him sweetly enough he (hold) on and not look elsewhere.

14. So if I don't hear from you, I (assume) everything is fine.

15. I'll only call you if I think there (be) a problem.

16. I (be) very pleased if you make it.

17. If the plan (succeed) you will make a profit.

18. If he (not get) a big order he will go bankrupt.

19. I (bring) my laptop if we have to look at the documents.

20. If I read this manual, I (not make) any mistakes.

21. If share prices (drop) , we will lose our money.

22. If he (come) before ten, we will meet him at the station.

23. If you (eat) an apple every day, you'll be very healthy.

24. If we (not protect) the elephant, it will become extinct.

25. She (look) completely different if she cuts her hair.

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