Saturday 9 May 2009



I- Complaining

A complaint is a statement in which you express your dissatisfaction with a particular situation.
To complain (to someone) about something.
about doing something.
about having done something.

To make a complaint (to someone) about something.
about doing something.
about having done something.

To have a complaint about something.

I have been patient long enough, but you still disturb us with the music you play so loud.
I want to complain about having broken my pen.
I'm afraid I've got a complaint about the food you served us. It was cold and tasteless.
I have a complaint about damaging my bike.
I'm sorry to say this but your children make so much noise at night. They never let us sleep peacefully.
I'm dissatisfied with the way the way you treat your friends. You’re really selfish.

II- Apologising

An apology is something that you say or write in order to tell someone that you are sorry that you have hurt them or caused trouble for them.

To apologise (to someone) for something.
for doing something.
for having done something.

To make / to offer an apology / apologies for something.

Please, forgive me for my selfish behaviour. I have never meant to be selfish.
I'm terribly sorry for causing you so much trouble with playing music loudly.
I must apologise for the noise the children make. I will talk to them.
I am so sorry for having broken your pen. I’ll buy you a new one.
I do apologise for damaging your bike. I’ll fix it.
I shouldn't have damaged your bike. I’m terribly sorry for that.
Please, accept my apologies for the cold food. It will never happen again.

III- Accepting the apology

That's OK.
Don't worry about it.
Never mind
That's all right.
Don't apologise.
It doesn't matter.
It’s not important.

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