Saturday 22 June 2013

She Lies Twisted C.M. Stunich

She Lies Twisted  C.M. Stunich


When you pass out and come to, there's this feeling of loss. Like time has passed you by and you've somehow been cheated out of a part of your life. When I found my sister, Jessica, dead, I passed out and when I woke up, her body was gone. The blood was gone. She was gone. There was this piece missing from my mental jigsaw puzzle. A family portrait with a missing head. When I woke up on the beach that day, it was nothing like that. It wasn't like I had missed a part of my life. It was as if it had never been.

I sat up, salty and wet, coated in a fine layer of sand and pebbles and bits of dried kelp and tried to remember how I had gotten there. The ashes, the cliff, falling like Alice down the rabbit hole. I rubbed my temples in tight circles. Blood, blood, blood. Every significant moment in my life was covered in it, drenched, soaked, consumed by it. The sea still held its quiet menace, the air still hung in gray sheets, but something was different and it wasn't the scenery.

“What is wrong with me?”

As soon as the words left my throat, I could feel it. There was something different in my voice, my words, the way my tongue crept across my lips.

Pain would bind us together tighter than any cord; death had made us equals, the harpies had made us partners, but pain, pain would make us friends forever.

I was born wrapped in death.I was bathed in it.

It had always been a part of my life, whether I liked it or not I just didn't expect it to come forme so soon.

Or to be so disappointed to live through it

I remember falling, like Alice down the rabbit hole, and then I met the boy with stitches in his face. The boy that would show me harpies, demons, souls. The boy that would help me fight my once dead sister  The boy who would restore my belief in friendship and give me the will to live.


And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

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