Sunday 30 March 2014

Crossfire : The Plot That Killed Kennedy Jim Marrs

Crossfire : The Plot That Killed Kennedy  Jim Marrs


What really happened in Dallas on November 22, 1963? Was the assassination of John F. Kennedy simply the work of a warped, solitary young man, or was something more nefarious afoot? Pulling together a wealth of evidence, including rare photos, documents, and interviews, veteran Texas journalist Jim Marrs reveals the truth about that fateful day. Thoroughly revised and updated with the latest findings about the assassination, Crossfire is the most comprehensive, convincing explanation of how, why, and by whom our thirty-fifth president was killed.

"The big daddy of the conspiracy books on the JFK assassination, and one that can't be taken lightly. A sheer tour de force that may be the final word until 2039--when government files on the case can be unlocked."--Kirkus Reviews.

“Marrs attempts to bring together the gist of all [the assassination] material into one ‘thorough source book’…. He neatly capsulizes the plethora of theories offered by critics of the lone-gunman theory…. Crossfire is compelling, albeit macabre, reading.”
—The Washington Post

“Marrs re-examines issues never satisfactorily resolved by the official inquiries…. Crossfire raises profound and deeply troubling questions.”
—Cleveland Plain Dealer

“The big daddy of the conspiracy books on the JFK assassination, and one that can’t be taken lightly. A sheer tour de force that may be the final word until 2039—when government files on the case can be unlocked.”
—Kirkus Reviews

“The huge mass of evidence Marrs presents to support his theory is irresistibly intriguing.”

“Dallas journalist Marrs brings together, under one cover, diverse theories and facts…He points to the inconsistencies and unexplained elements embodied in the official version as to what transpired before, during, and after the President’s death.”
—Library Journal

“For its comprehensiveness alone, this would be the one book for anyone seeking a really thorough examination of the assassination…. Marrs is sensible and straightforward, giving every side of disputed questions, though it is clear that for him, as for most thoughtful people, the Warren Commission’s picture of Oswald as a lone assassin doesn’t work.”
—Publishers Weekly


And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

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