Sunday 16 March 2014

Paint Me Beautiful C.M. Stunich

Paint Me Beautiful C.M. Stunich 


Paint Me Beautiful, a New Adult/Contemporary Romance Novel Recommended for Ages 18 and Up.
From the Bestselling Author of the Never say Never Trilogy (Tasting Never, Finding Never, & Keeping Never)

“I'm dying to be beautiful.”

My story isn't unique. You've heard it before. I'm just a girl who doesn't eat as much as she should. See, I have goals, big ones, and nobody is going to stop me, not even a boy named Emmett. He has good intentions and he's hot as hell, but he doesn't understand what it's like to want something so bad that you'll do anything for it. I'm going to become a model, even if it kills me. Dream big or go home, that's what they always say, right?


And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

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