Saturday 4 April 2009



Could I have confirmation as soon as possible?
Can I have the go-ahead to launch this product on the market?
Are we allowed to treat this person like that?
Would it be all right if I stayed here for a while?
Would it be possible for us to postpone the appointment?
Is swimming allowed here?
Would you allow me to come with you?
Could I bring my friends home?
I wanted to ask you if I could leave at 4 p.m. tomorrow.
I hope you won’t mind if I bring a friend.
I’d like to introduce you to Jalal, if you don’t mind.
May I ask you to translate that for me?
Do you have any objection to my proposing a toast?
May we visit the Kasbah?
Is it all right with you if I bring a friend?
Do you not mind people thinking these things about you?
Would it bother you if I asked you to look after bike for a minute?
Would you let me attend this meeting?
Would you have any objection to him coming back later?
With your permission, I’d like to see that document again.
Is there any chance of you lending me some money?
I wonder if I could possibly use your toilet?

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