Saturday 4 April 2009



You mustn’t lose your train ticket.
I don’t want you to speak to me like that.
I’d rather you didn’t talk about that.
I wouldn’t want him coming and asking questions.
You are not allowed to use a dictionary.
I’ve been forbidden to take part in this match.
I absolutely forbid you to run in the corridors.
It is strictly forbidden to photograph the paintings.
I couldn’t possibly allow you to do that by yourself.
We cannot allow such events to occur again.
There is no question of us leaving you here!
We regret to inform you that we are full.
I’d prefer you to contact me again in September.
I absolutely refuse to go to Sicily.
I am totally opposed to our establishing a partnership with them.
I am afraid I must sanction you.
On no account must you forget your passport.

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