Friday 3 April 2009



Fill in each blank with the best form of the verb :
1. “My parents are coming tomorrow.”
She told me that her parents ________________________ the following day.
2. “I don’t know why I’m so tired.”
My uncle admitted that he didn’t know why he ________________________ so tired.
3. “I will call you tomorrow.”
I told her that I ________________________ her the following day.
4. “We don’t know who will win the election.”
The reporters told us that they didn’t know who ________________________ the election.
5. “Get off the phone!”
My mom told me ________________________ the phone.
6. “I have been to Poland.”
He claimed that he ________________________ to Poland.
7. “We’re taking a trip to the mountains this weekend.”
They said they ________________________ a trip to the mountains that weekend.
8. “Why are you so sad?”
My friend wanted to know why I ________________________ so sad.
9. “I don’t know. I’ll tell you the following day.”
He said that he ________________________ and that he ___________ me the following day.
10. “Are you going out tonight?”
My sister wanted to know if I ________________________ that night.

1) were coming
2) was
3) would call
4) would win
5) to get off
6) had been
7) were taking
8) was
9) didn’t know; would tell
10) was going out

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