Saturday 4 April 2009



These sentences are in the ACTIVE VOICE. Rewrite them in the PASSIVE VOICE:
EX: The teacher told Michael to be quiet. = Michael was told to be quiet.

1. The elderly woman bought the car.
The car ________________________ by the elderly woman.
2. The other students were laughing at her.
She ________________________ by the other students.
3. The teacher explained the lesson to us.
The lesson ________________________ to us by the teacher.
4. She is laughing at me.
I ________________________ by her.
5. They are following him.
He ________________________ by them.
6. Everyone here speaks Chinese.
Chinese ________________________ by everyone here.
7. William Faulkner wrote “As I Lay Dying”.
“As I Lay Dying” ________________________ by William Faulkner.
8. The little boy robbed me.
I ________________________ by the little boy.
9. The police are interrogating the suspects.
The suspects ________________________ by the police.
10. Everyone loves her.
She ________________________ by all / everyone.

1) was bought
2) was being laughed at
3) was explained
4) am being laughed at
5) is being followed
6) is spoken
7) was written
8) was robbed
9) are being interrogated
10) is loved

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