Thursday 18 April 2013

I Love You To Death Natalie Ward

I Love You To Death  Natalie Ward


When Ash loses her boyfriend, she is consumed by grief, loneliness and an overwhelming sense of guilt for her role in not only his death, but the deaths of everyone she has ever loved. Refusing to let anyone in for fear of losing them too, she becomes withdrawn, spending her days reliving the nightmares from her past.

Until she meets Luke.

Initially scared by his intensity and interest in her, Ash tries to push him away. But as Luke slowly starts to chip away at the walls she’s built, Ash finds herself doing the one thing she swore she’d never do again — falling in love.

When the familiar feelings Ash had hoped were long buried with her past begin to resurface, she is forced to ask herself if falling in love again is really worth the risk.

How much can a human soul endure before it shatters, how many times can a heart be broken before it loses its capacity to love again?

This is the story of a troubled young woman, Asha, whose life has been everything but rosy. She has survived more loss and heartbreak than any person should ever have to in their entire lifetime, having lost all the people that have ever mattered to her, one by one. Asha has reached the end of her rope, she is angry, depressed, pessimistic and has resigned herself to the idea that everyone she allows to get close to her would eventually die. By seeing herself as the cause of every single one of those deaths, her guilt and pain torment her day and night.

Asha’s voice is the only one we hear. We hear her thoughts, fears, hopes, we navigate through her memories, constantly jumping from past to present, and become intimately acquainted with every single heart-shattering loss that she has had to bear. We witness her downward spiral into the oblivion of depression, we grieve with her but we also never stop hoping for her happiness. Asha’s fear of further loss has made her reluctant to connect with people again. She has no family left, no friends and she only fosters superficial relationships with the people around her, keeping them constantly at an arm’s length. But having grown up surrounded by unconditional love, she naturally craves for it as an adult, she craves human contact, affection both received as well as given, she is torn between her dread of loss and her longing to be close to someone again.

Natalie's Ward's writing style was extremely unique. Ash's voice is filled with melancholy but you understand and connect with her perfectly. The story is simple but it still completely manages to enthrall  and captivate you.



And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

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