Monday 29 April 2013

In Memory of Dad Maranda Russell

In Memory of Dad  Maranda Russell


This is a short story written through the eyes of a child, and suited to any child I would say from about 7 and upwards.

In Memory of Dad is a beautifully written short story for children dealing with the loss of a loved one, how they are not alone in their grief, and how life can go on with good memories of their loved one always in their heart.

The story is about Kaley Jergins, a fourth grader, who has a special relationship with her father, they both share a passion for playing basketball. Kaley's dad Kyle, used to play basketball when he was in school, and Kaley dreamed of following in his footsteps. One cold January night, Kaley's father suffered a fatal heart attack. 

Nothing would ever be the same again in her life! She tried to go on with her life, but everything reminded her of her dad. She started skipping basketball practices and games, and after a month went by she officially quit the team. She really missed playing ball and her teammates, but without her dad there to cheer her on, she just couldn't do it anymore, it had always been "their" thing. She felt empty and alone, she kept to herself at school, wishing there was a way she could still be on the team and be around her friends, but without her dad to share it with, it just didn't feel right. She wished she could go back in time to when everything in her life was fine. It took Drea, a friend and captain of the basketball team and her teammates, to show Kaley that she isn't alone, and that she could go forward with her life and still have the memory of her dad in her heart.

It is a heartwarming short story for a child going through the same thing that Kaley has, and helps to show them that life doesn't have to end and that they are not alone.

The author wrote a beautifully heartfelt story based loosely on her own real experience of losing her dad at the age of twelve. This story was written from her heart, and she so eloquently expresses her message and lesson that through dealing with loss and grief, your life will go on, and that your loved one will always be in your heart. Her message is so easily expressed, that young children will be able to understand and learn from it. She reinforces her message in a very thoughtful and educational way in an Author's Note at the end of the book.



And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks so much for the review of my ebook! I am so glad you like my work. I hope you check out my other ebooks sometime :)
