Friday 19 April 2013

Ruined S. Pratt

Ruined S. Pratt


“So I live my life according to the rules of others while my secret festers its way through my body. It bleeds slowly out of my heart and into my veins. Each word of my secret pulsing through me as it gets closer to the surface. I imagine one day it will get so close to the surface it will spring forth from my lips and reveal the monster I really am.” – Ruined.

Bailey Michaels is living a lie. She has a handsome and successful fiancé, a great job and a house in a town she adores. Her friends and family know her as the perfectly crafted individual she has created in their minds. Her deception knows no bounds when it comes to keeping the truth from everyone else. But it’s not enough. She craves the love of the one man she can’t possibly have – the only one who shares her secret.

Despite her angst over continuing her forbidden affair, nothing can keep her from Angel.

His dark looks, chiseled jaw and broodiness make it impossible for her to ever deny him anything. So when presented with a choice, Bailey knows she finally has to make a decision. Keep living the lie with her fiancé, Carron, or finally be with Angel – the man who’s had her heart since she was fifteen.

The funny thing with life though; just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, fate has a way of stepping in and turning the best laid plans to ruins.

"A romance with a twist that you never see coming is an understatement! Shelly Pratt's imagination is astonishing and her story will leave you breathless." - Rhonda Dennis, The Green Bayou Novels.

"I loved it five star easy." – Kerri Williams, The Justice Moore Trilogy.



And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!

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