Sunday 28 July 2013

In Her Shadow Douglas Louise

In Her Shadow Douglas Louise


What would you do if your past came back to haunt you? A dark, thrilling novel for fans of Kate Morton and Victoria Hislop

From the author of THE SECRETS BETWEEN US, part of the 2012 Richard and Judy Summer Reads, comes this dark, thrilling novel that is perfect for your book group.

It's set twenty years ago against a backdrop of dreamy Cornish summers, a place where childhood friendship becomes young love, where love becomes obsession, and where obsession ultimately ends in betrayal and a tragic death.

This magical novel traces a web of memories back through the years from the present day, ultimately showing that no matter how much you might try to forget the past, the past never forgets you.

"Enthralling and unnervingly absorbing... Our top holiday recommendation so far this year." (Heat)

"In Her Shadow is captivating, it is compelling and it is powerfully written...I cannot describe how much I loved this book!"


And Blessed Are The Jackstocks Which Care Only For Themselves!

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