Sunday 28 July 2013

Tiny Dancer Patricia Hickman

Tiny Dancer Patricia Hickman 


A guilty past—a forbidden friendship—one summer that will change life forever.

Fans of Kathryn Stockett’s The Help and Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees are invited to taste of Patricia Hickman’s delicious new coming-of-age novel set in an idyllic golf village in the Sandhills of North Carolina.

It’s 1962 but the quiet golf villages of the popular Sandhills seem hardly rattled by the political furor outside the towns’ boundaries. Irish teen dancer Flannery Curry lives in this beautiful setting but feels stuck between two worlds—the one before her family’s tragic accident and the one that beckons her. While her self-identity has shifted drastically, her stepmother Vesta is intent on grooming her as a rising socialite among the community’s elite families.

But out the Currys’ back door is a despised sunflower forest, a towering garden tended by an African American neighbor Flannery calls the “sunflower man.” Even though Vesta forbids any association with this man or his eclectic relatives and guests, Flannery discovers a secret photograph in her deceased sister’s keepsake box—a photo that implies Siobhan entertained a taboo relationship with the people beyond the sunflower forest.

Now driven to know more about the taboo family Flannery has only watched from her bedroom window, she does the unthinkable and crosses into the sunflower forest. Now she is the one feasting and dancing under the alluring summer moon. To continue in her rebellion threatens to destroy her already fragile home life. But to remain in a state of blankness threatens her identity. How will she choose?

Tiny Dancer is a story of survivor’s guilt and secrecy, a universal story of how humans find meaning in the midst of broken dreams.


And Blessed Are The Jackstocks Which Care Only For Themselves!

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