Sunday 28 July 2013

Moonsong Lisa Olsen

Moonsong  Lisa Olsen


Author Lisa Olsen explores the world of shapeshifters with this solid Paranormal Romance. Still reeling from the news that she's from a family of shapeshifters, Amelia learns she's the focus of an ancient prophecy and everybody wants a piece of her. Against that backdrop, we have a classic love triangle. On one side we have Chase, a young, brash werewolf (excuse me, shifter), who's chomping at the bit to become the pack's next Alpha. Does he have actual feelings for Amelia, or is he more interested in the prophecy? On the other side we have Cutter, a gruff but appealing outsider who spends as much time infuriating Amelia as he intrigues her. Caught in the middle is feisty Millie, who refuses to cave in to the pressure from all sides to choose a mate for the stupid prophecy.>

The author gives us the best parts of a werewolf saga (dominant males posturing for power), tempering it with a strong female cast, especially Millie herself who doesn't put up with anyone else telling her what to do.

After werewolves attack her family, Amelia Singer escapes to Cutter's Folly in search of her long lost grandmother. There she finds the strangest revelation yet: not only is she descended from a long line of shapeshifters; Amelia's firstborn is destined to lead the pack to dominion over all others. Now power hungry shifters everywhere will stop at nothing to share in that prophecy. Choosing a mate is the only way to end the violence, but how can she be expected to choose a man she's known for less than a week? At the heart of this struggle, Amelia is torn between Chase, who makes her pulse race with a single sultry glance, and Cutter, a reclusive but tempting loner with secrets of his own. Can fiercely independent Amelia find happiness with the pack, or will she rebel under the pressure and take her chances on her own?

Lisa Olsen has once again given us an amazing combination of supernatural and romance. This is a story that will suck you in and make you feel like part of the pack. I've never been a big fan of the werewolf side of the supernatural, but after reading Moonsong I'm going to have to rethink my feelings on the subject.

This book is the kind of story that you won't want to put down .


And Blessed Are The Jackstocks Which Care Only For Themselves!

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