Sunday 28 July 2013

The Viscount and the Witch Michael J Sullivan

The Viscount and the Witch  Michael J Sullivan


Eleven years before they were framed for the murder of a king, before even assuming the title of Riyria, Royce Melborn and Hadrian Blackwater were practically strangers. Unlikely associates, this cynical thief and idealist swordsman, were just learning how to work together as a team.

In this standalone short story of The Riyria Chronicles, Royce is determined to teach his naive partner a lesson about good deeds. Join Royce and Hadrian in this short story (5,400 words).

“Filled with adventure and clever dialog and featuring a pair of not-quite-heroes whose loyalties to each other provide them with their greatest strength, this epic fantasy showcases the arrival of a master storyteller.” — Library Journal Fantasy Debut for September 2011

“Hair-raising escapes, flashy sword fights, and faithful friendship complete the formula for good old-fashioned escapist fun.” — Publisher's Weekly

“This series is thrilling, laugh-out-loud-funny, heartbreaking, chilling, and whip-smart at every turn.” — Fantasy Faction

“An exciting, out-of-nowhere swashbuckler, The Riyria Revelations by Michael J
Sullivan astounds with its masterful combination of simplicity and depth.” — Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fiction @ Suite 101

“It's been a while since I found a sword and sorcery story I truly delighted in reading, and Theft of Swords reminded me of everything I love about the sub-genre.” — Deluded Visions


And Blessed Are The Jackstocks Which Care Only For Themselves!

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